CERC has taken the shapefiles developed by Dr. Miller and provided an interface to facilitate downloading the individual plates via FTP. It is suggested that you view the indexes to identify the plates you wish to download. The original plates are identified by Roman numeral and contain place name information. Once you have identified the plates you want, go to the download interface described below.

Dr. Miller projected the plates to overlay on Landsat 5 images available from the University of Montana’s Lewis and Clark Education Project home page is located at: http://lewisandclarkeducationcenter.com . To download the Landsat 5 images, go to the site and click on "L&C Information System" and then "Landsat 5 TM Images of Trail". To see an example, click here.

You may choose to download files by UTM zone or by Landsat image. The Landsat images can span more than one UTM zone. When this occurs, the plates within the image but outside the zone in which the majority of the image resides, are projected to the majority zone. For example, UTM zone 12 includes plates 69-83. Image 1 includes plates 67-83. Plates 67 and 68 actually belong in zone 13 but because the majority of image 1 is in zone 12, they have been projected to zone 12 so they can be viewed over the Landsat image. As a general rule, it is generally best not to project beyond the UTM zone boundary because of scale factor issues.

For information on the procedures that Dr. Miller used to project the raster files please see the appropriate file:

ArcView 3.2 shapefiles were compressed using PKZIP. The ZIP files are named by Plate number, i.e., plate1.ZIP to plate83.ZIP. The .ZIP files contain the associated ArcView files (.shp, .shx, .prj, .dbf, sbx, sbn, etc.). To download a shareware version of PKZIP, go to: http://www.pkware.com/. Once unzipped, you will see files like P20UTM8415.shp. The naming convention is as follows: P20UTM8415.shp where: P20 = plate number, UTM = projection, 84 = datum (WGS84) and 15 = UTM zone.

URL: http://aa179.cr.usgs.gov/mrc.htm
Contact:  Julia Towns    573-876-1884
Columbia Environmental Research Center
4200 New Haven Road, Columbia, MO 65201