Platform Irene Oil Pipeline Crude Oil Spill

State TrusteeState of California
Federal TrusteeDepartment of Defense
AO Bureau

Also Known As


Incident Type




Case Status



Santa Barbara Channel



Contaminants of Concern Include


Affected DOI Resources Include

Migratory Birds, Threatened and Endangered Species

Case Description

On September 28, 1997, a discharge of crude oil occurred from a rupture in a 20-inch pipeline owned or operated by Torch Operating Company, Nuevo Energy Company, and Black Hawk Oil & Gas Company. The pipeline runs from the offshore oil platform, Platform Irene, to a processing facility onshore north of the City of Lompoc, on Harris Grade Road in Santa Barbara County. This pipeline transports an emulsion of crude oil and water from Platform Irene to the onshore facility.

At the time of the Spill, in addition to oil and production water, the pipeline contained approximately 900 gallons of diesel and 800 gallons of anti-corrosion chemical compounds. The Spill released at least 163 barrels (or 6,846 gallons) of the petroleum product into the Pacific Ocean. Subsequent movement of the petroleum resulted in fouling of approximately 17 miles of northern Santa Barbara County coastline, and caused impacts to a variety of natural resources including seabirds and shoreline habitats. The degree of oiling varied along the affected coastline, with the most heavily oiled area being Surf Beach on Vandenberg Air Force Base.

Credit: California Dept of Fish and Wildlife

Page 1 of 1
 Document TypeDocument NameDocument Date


 Cooperative Assessment Agreement Cooperative Agreement 07/30/1998
 MOA/MOU Platform Irene Oil Pipeline Crude Oil Spill MOU 02/01/2004
 Restoration Agreement Restoration Agreement 03/19/2010


 Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment Restoration Plan 10/24/2007
 Restoration Plan Scoping Document for Restoration Planning 10/20/2004


 Consent Decree Consent Decree 07/23/2002

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Case Contact

Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office

Ventura, CA | (805) 644-1766 |

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