Batavia Landfill NPL Site

Tonawanda Band of Seneca (previously listed as the Tonawanda Band of Seneca Indians of New York)
State TrusteeState of New York
Federal TrusteeDepartment of Commerce
AO Bureau

Also Known As


Incident Type



New York

Case Status



Galloway Swamp


Contaminants of Concern Include

Affected DOI Resources Include

Migratory Birds

Case Description

Heavy metal sludges, oils and organic solvents were deposited at the 35-acre Batavia Landfill in western New York State from the 1960s until 1980. Inadequate disposal of drummed and undrummed industrial wastes resulted in chemicals entering the groundwater and migrating into wetlands.

Contamination of wetlands and groundwater at and adjacent to the Batavia Landfill site reduced the quality of the wetland habitat for migratory birds and other wildlife. The contamination of food and water in the wetlands resulted in the loss and impairment of habitat for plants and animals in the wetlands. Biological diversity was reduced because the impaired habitat supported fewer invertebrates, amphibians like leopard frogs and migratory birds – including songbirds like Savannah sparrow and indigo bunting – and other wildlife. In addition, site clean-up itself injured 3 acres of wetlands.

Credit: USFWS

Page 1 of 1
 Document TypeDocument NameDocument Date


 Factsheet Fact Sheet 05/01/2007


 Consent Decree Consent Decree-various defendants 09/29/2000

No publications have been entered for this case.

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Case Contact

New York Ecological Services Field Office

Cortland, NY | (607) 753-9334 |

Case Trustees

AO Bureau
Federal TrusteeDepartment of Commerce
State TrusteeState of New York
Tribe TrusteeTonawanda Band of Seneca (previously listed as the Tonawanda Band of Seneca Indians of New York)

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