Project Description
On-site remedial activities at the Lone Pine Landfill included the construction of a slurry wall, capping the landfill, and the installation of a groundwater treatment system. As a result, approximately 34 acres of wetlands were either temporarily or permanently disturbed. To compensate for injuries to natural resources, specifically bottomland hardwood wetlands, as a result of the release of hazardous materials and subsequent remedial activities, the settling Potentially Responsible Parties (PRPs) purchased a 70-acre parcel of mixed uplands and wetlands adjacent to the Lone Pine Landfill and donated it to the State of New Jersey. Located along the Manasquan River, the property is now protected in perpetuity and managed by New Jersey Fish and Wildlife (NJFW) as a part of the Turkey Swamp Wildlife Management Area.
Bottomland hardwoods are forested wetlands dominated by red maple, black gum, and sweetgum that are subject to periodic flooding. These wetlands are critical stopover points for migratory birds, and provide important breeding habitat for amphibians, songbirds and waterfowl. They also provide flood protection, and improve water quality in rivers and streams by filtering runoff and reducing turbidity. The property is located near the headwaters of the Manasquan River and has several small intermittent streams that flow into the river.
Parties Implementing Restoration
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection; Potentially Responsible Parties
DOI Project Representatives
Fish and Wildlife Service