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Missouri River Natural Resources Bibliography

Keyword Index for the Missouri River Natural Resources Bibliography

Keyword (number of times used) record number

abandoned channels (1) 27

abnormalities (1) 863

absolute age (1) 306

abundance (31) 32, 51, 53, 62, 114, 127, 176, 182, 261, 265, 267, 317, 323, 330, 412, 433, 476, 506, 511, 513, 641, 704, 893, 908, 984, 1083, 1096, 1109, 1110, 1112, 1117

access (1) 1159

accounting procedures (1) 310

accretion (3) 47, 147, 1037

Acetylcholinesterase ache (1) 198

acid mine drainage (1) 478

Acipenseridae (1) 79

*Actimycetes (1) 277

activated carbon (2) 276, 277

adjacent land owners (1) 47

administration (2) 129, 1161

administrative agencies (2) 95, 239

adoption of practices (1) 962

*adsorption (2) 385, 675

*aerated lagoons (1) 1089

aerial photography (7) 259, 453, 470, 613, 730, 805, 807

aeridine (1) 37

aerobic conditions (1) 1089

aesthetics (2) 541, 1053

Aftonian (1) 44

age (4) 883, 1004, 1088, 1131

age and growth (35) 25, 34, 62, 70, 85, 175, 181, 267, 323, 330, 446, 463, 529, 539, 566, 639, 641, 668, 696, 698, 752, 804, 842, 861, 924, 967, 1092, 1093, 1102, 1103, 1105, 1106, 1109, 1112

age composition (1) 611

aggradation (8) 93, 374, 464, 489, 629, 648, 681, 1177

aggrading rivers (1) 629

aggregates (1) 159

agricultural land (1) 453

agricultural practices (1) 549

agricultural runoff (2) 962, 989

agricultural watershed (5) 192, 237, 675, 1057, 1187

agriculture (16) 36, 94, 149, 225, 229, 289, 337, 362, 567, 577, 904, 981, 1039, 1070, 1090, 1108

*agrochemicals (4) 198, 344, 345, 675

air pollution (5) 360, 541, 579, 773, 1165

Air Pollution Control Act (1) 360

air quality standards (1) 130

*air temperature (1) 968

Albian (1) 1177

Aldrin (4) 484, 583, 675, 886

algae (3) 136, 477, 1001

alkali metals (1) 145

alkalic composition (1) 402

alkalinity (1) 237

Allagash wilderness waterway (1) 1159

allozyme (1) 906

alluvial (1) 1199

alluvial aquifers (3) 121, 352, 353

alluvial channel bends (1) 734

*alluvial channels (9) 23, 353, 375, 459, 585, 734, 911, 912, 1195

alluvial deposits (3) 89, 159, 271

alluvial plains (1) 220

alluvial rivers (3) 159, 662, 1194

alluvial streams (1) 922

alluvium (22) 46, 93, 172, 188, 235, 247, 271, 272, 273, 274, 303, 304, 342, 341, 352, 523, 555, 905, 944, 949, 1178, 1200

alluvium aquifers (4) 122, 227, 303, 972

Alosa chrysochloris (1) 212

Alpha Chlordane (1) 675

alpha radioactivity (1) 286

*alteration of flow (2) 120, 1070

alterations (1) 1000

alternative planning (1) 95

alum sludge (1) 83

American grayling (1) 696

*American Indians (1) 913

Ames test (1) 478

ammonia (1) 962

ammonoids (3) 568, 1100, 1177

anaerobic conditions (1) 1089

*analog computers (1) 1125

analysis (1) 618

analytical techniques (3) 575, 989, 1125

anemometers (1) 233

anglers (1) 833

animal pathology (1) 198

animal population (1) 802

annual catch (1) 357

annual floods (1) 742

annual peak discharge (2) 740, 741

annual reports (1) 929

antibodies (1) 751

Aplodinotus grunniens (6) 141, 433, 732, 985, 986, 987

applications (6) 168, 571, 676, 765, 910, 915

appraisals (1) 1129

approximation method (1) 968

aquaculture (1) 200

aquaculture development (1) 79

aquatic animals (2) 136, 720

aquatic bacteria (1) 803

aquatic birds (3) 309, 720, 936

aquatic drift (3) 658, 732, 891

aquatic environment (2) 13, 892

aquatic habitats (8) 136, 191, 592, 715, 879, 895, 921, 1069

aquatic insects (5) 193, 412, 657, 658, 722

aquatic life (4) 27, 140, 275, 329

aquatic mammals (1) 720

aquatic microbiology (1) 276

aquatic microorganisms (1) 1191

aquatic plants (2) 503, 973

aquatic reptiles (1) 775

aqueous solutions (1) 13

aquifer (1) 471

aquifer systems (1) 403

aquifers (22) 122, 124, 227, 235, 271, 273, 274, 303, 304, 305, 353, 403,454, 480, 555, 567, 719, 866, 916, 972, 1125, 1160

archaeological sites (1) 12

archaeology (2) 236, 995

areal geology (9) 68, 126, 235, 278, 392, 396, 597, 678, 976

areal studies (1) 745

Argentine Limestone (1) 1154

*arid lands (1) 97

armoring (2) 90, 525

arsenic (7) 145, 346, 484, 550, 551, 880, 1200

arsenic compounds (1) 467

artesian wells (1) 904

arthropods (2) 81, 185

artificial recharge (1) 916

artificial substrates (1) 412

artificial wetlands (1) 586

ash (1) 500

Asplanchna (1) 476

assay (2) 989, 1191

assessment (1) 979

Asterionella (1) 477

atmospheric gases (1) 171

atmospheric precipitation (2) 172, 633

*Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (1) 408

atrazine (2) 172, 344

atresia (1) 511

aufwuchs (3) 161, 183, 892

availability (1) 570

available water (1) 543

average flow (3) 508, 569, 776

Aves (1) 720

avulsion (3) 47, 147, 1037

backwater (3) 114, 224, 1063

Baculites (1) 568

Badlands of Missouri River region (1) 941

band recoveries (1) 309

banding (1) 309

bank erosion (9) 47, 295, 363, 585, 648, 807, 818, 819, 1053

bnk protection (4) 295, 735, 1046, 1053

bank stabilization (4) 136, 573, 585, 1050

bank storage (2) 352, 363

bankfull stage (1) 260

barges (1) 22

barriers (1) 604

*baseline studies (2) 131, 276

basins (2) 373, 507

bass (2) 357, 675

basses (1) 410

bays (1) 703

bed armoring (1) 523

bed forms (6) 40, 458, 523, 524, 912, 919

bed stabilization (1) 585

bed topography (1) 734

bedding plane irregularities (1) 1126

*bedload (12) 23, 263, 375, 428, 460, 523, 600, 901, 920, 945, 978, 1051

bedrock (1) 719

beds (3) 40, 153, 1133

beds under water (1) 1133

behavior (1) 173

Belt Supergroup (1) 1197

benches (1) 168

beneficial use (1) 239

benefits (4) 913, 1057, 1129, 1201

benthic algae (1) 157

*Benthic Fauna (4) 183, 205, 658, 722

benthos (13) 66, 136, 162, 475, 566, 625, 657, 674, 849, 851, 892, 1097, 1127

Beta Radioactivity (1) 286

Bethany Falls Limestone (1) 1154

Bhc (2) 484, 583

bibliography (14) 97, 104, 171, 191, 238, 499, 510, 520, 791, 904, 956, 976, 1119, 1120

Big Bend Dam (5) 316, 317, 630, 805, 1043

Big Sioux River (3) 286, 719, 897

Big Sioux River valley (1) 1177

bigmouth buffalo (6) 267, 621, 659, 675, 879, 1118

bioaccumulation (3) 788, 868, 872

*bioassays (1) 198

biochemical oxygen demand (4) 276, 962, 1001, 1136

biodegradation (1) 1191

biodiversity (1) 655

biogenic structures (2) 185, 819

biogeography (3) 299, 315, 1100

bioindicators (3) 989, 1135, 1136

biological change (1) 369

biological data (1) 520

biological magnification (1) 675

biological oxygen demand (1) 586

biological properties (1) 515

*biological Samples (2) 408, 675

biological studies (2) 268, 513

biological waste water treatment (1) 586

biology (2) 79, 152

biomass (4) 183, 535, 657, 732

biomass production (1) 634

biostratigraphy (3) 1151, 1177, 1178

biota (7) 665, 689, 873, 881, 892, 948, 1078

biquinoline (1) 37

bird eggs (1) 868

birds (2) 586, 599

Bituminous coal (1) 229

Bivalvia (1) 568

black bullhead (3) 675, 826, 875

black crappie (5) 52, 675, 826, 939, 1092

Black Hills region (2) 189, 391

blindness (1) 863

block structures (1) 934

blue catfish (1) 417

blue green algae (1) 476

Blue River basin (1) 252

Blue River Missouri (1) 198

Blue Sky Sapphire (1) 1198

blue sucker (3) 45, 267, 879

bluffs (2) 384, 1185

body length (1) 416

body size (1) 611

Boltonia decurrens (1) 973

Bonner Springs Formation (1) 235

books (2) 425, 716

bottom currents (1) 89

bottom erosion (1) 490

bottom fauna (1) 891

bottom features (1) 84

bottom sampling (1) 662

bottomland vegetation (1) 28

Boulder Batholith (1) 68

*Boulder Rivermont (1) 255

boundaries (3) 47, 147, 1037

boundary conditions (1) 1001

boundary disputes (1) 147

Bow River (1) 747

Brachiopoda (1) 568

Brachiura (1) 81

braiding (1) 829

brain Ache (1) 198

Branchionus (1) 476

breeding (1) 419

breeding sites (1) 193

bridges (2) 479, 618

brood stock (1) 1096

brown trout (1) 816

bryophytes (1) 116

Bryopsida (1) 116

buffalo fishes (6) 433, 608, 675, 700, 1167, 1168

bullhead minnow (1) 211

burbot (3) 415, 431, 572

buried Missouri River valley (1) 632

buried valleys (1) 251

burrows (1) 185

buttes (1) 337

C 14 (1) 306

caddisflies (6) 39, 136, 412, 658, 722, 891

cake solids (1) 143

calcium (2) 237, 324

calibrations (3) 215, 480, 662

Cambrian (1) 391

Canada (7) 120, 329, 632, 665, 1034, 1169, 1201

canals (3) 124, 168, 1070

canopy (1) 502

*Canyon Ferry (7) 34, 132, 801, 1069, 1137, 1186, 1187

capital costs (2) 310, 1129

*capitalized damages (1) 981

capture recapture studies (1) 775

*Carbamate Pesticides (1) 198

carbon (3) 144, 237, 306

carbonate rocks (4) 935, 1154, 1160, 1185

carboniferous (6) 126, 235, 391, 393, 1154, 1160

carp (9) 198, 267, 357, 433, 604, 675, 923, 924, 1118

Carpiodes carpio (6) 267, 433, 668, 879, 1019, 1118

Carpiodes Sp. (1) 675

carpsucker (1) 675

cartography (1) 189

case studies (1) 765

Castles Mine (1) 917

catalogs (1) 576

catastrophic floods (1) 190

catch per unit (1) 449

catchability (1) 775

catchment areas (2) 760, 825

catfish (2) 675, 804

Cationic Flocculants (1) 143

cations (1) 237

Catostomidae (1) 529

Catostomus commersoni (2) 700, 875

cattle (2) 2, 802

CCC Mine (1) 917

Cenomanian (1) 1177

Cenozoic (30) 12, 43, 44, 46, 185, 188, 196, 206, 220, 221, 235, 243, 251, 264, 300, 306, 315, 382, 391, 393, 397, 767, 1005, 1007, 1010, 1132, 1151, 1164, 1176, 1178

census (1) 466

Centrarchidae (2) 675, 879

centrifuges (1) 813

cephalopods (3) 568, 1100, 1177

Ceratomorpha (1) 1176

cesium (1) 145

cestodes (1) 1184

chalk (1) 935

Chamberlain area (2) 1132, 1172

Chamberlain section (1) 1172

changes (2) 765, 1007

channel armoring (1) 587

channel catfish (19) 177, 223, 224, 265, 357, 376, 416, 433, 434, 675, 715, 846, 876, 967, 1026, 1103, 1107, 1113, 1202

*channel degradation (1) 578

channel erosion (4) 295, 459, 734, 874

*channel flow (1) 827

channel geometry (5) 365, 404, 643, 749, 882

*channel improvement (7) 357, 578, 829, 874, 971, 1038, 1039

channel morphology (14) 23, 153, 156, 244, 296, 375, 424, 509, 658, 722, 761, 827, 1194, 1195

channel Patterns (1) 244

channel stabilization (1) 27

channeling (7) 357, 420, 424, 427, 432, 715, 921

channelization (15) 55, 82, 339, 369, 422, 463, 566, 625, 674, 848, 899, 942, 951, 1091, 1094

channels (40) 149, 153, 170, 236, 263, 321, 357, 363, 364, 367, 441, 452, 457, 464, 545, 559, 565, 585, 643, 681, 730, 750, 765, 810, 878, 911, 912, 921, 922, 972, 977, 1004, 1030, 1037, 1051, 1101, 1121, 1133, 1177, 1194

channels cross sections (1) 1133

characterization (1) 143

Charadrius (1) 721

Charadrius melodus (1) 936

check lists (3) 411, 423, 786

chemical analyses (1) 932

chemical analysis (4) 198, 932, 948, 1185

chemical composition (4) 13, 46, 145, 633

chemical control (1) 604

chemical oxygen demand (1) 962

chemical pollutants (2) 963, 1191

chemical pollution (1) 1191

chemical properties (5) 237, 432, 467, 813, 1081

chemical reactions (1) 812

*chemical recovery (1) 583

*chemical Sludges (1) 143

chemical Stratification (1) 65

Cheyenne River (3) 145, 189, 329

Chironomid Larvae (1) 205

Chironomidae (1) 474

Chironomus Plumosus (1) 475

chlordane (3) 349, 484, 583

chlorides (3) 237, 324, 1136

chlorinated hydrocarbons (2) 675, 812

chlorination (4) 83, 383, 665, 811

*chlorine (2) 277, 812

chloroform (1) 811

*chloroform soluble carbon filter extract (1) 383

chlorophyll (2) 432, 1187

cholestanols (1) 989

Chordata (3) 197, 576, 1176

Choronomidae (1) 625

chubs (3) 418, 431, 572

Cladocera (2) 203, 204

Clark (2) 262, 666

clastic rocks (6) 337, 464, 935, 1151, 1160, 1178

clastic sediments (28) 46, 56, 93, 101, 168, 172, 188, 221, 235, 243, 247, 304, 305, 306, 337, 342, 341, 399, 719, 767, 949, 953, 1005, 1008, 1164, 1176, 1178, 1200

clay (1) 953

clay mineralogy (1) 745

clays (1) 353

climate (4) 337, 553, 563, 948

climate change (5) 171, 226, 312, 313, 825

climates (3) 563, 773, 825

climatic data (2) 131, 332

*climatic effects (1) 825

climatology (3) 312, 563, 905

*cloud seeding (1) 255

coagulation (2) 83, 143

coal (11) 20, 97, 130, 207, 235, 278, 472, 478, 714, 773, 1165

coal gasification (1) 944

coal mines (3) 229, 543, 726

coal mines and mining environmental aspects (1) 1059

Coelenterata (1) 456

cofferdams (1) 809

Coleoptera (1) 185

Coliforms (6) 276, 803, 989, 1081, 1089, 1122

collecting (4) 568, 917, 1099, 1171

Colloids Mississippi River (1) 808

colonies (2) 158, 309

Colorado (8) 7, 14, 192, 264, 541, 678, 866, 1033

Colorado Group (1) 1160

Colorado River (9) 286, 408, 484, 525, 619, 737, 778, 825, 1159

Colorado River Basin (6) 7, 97, 229, 530, 543, 579

Columbia River basin (5) 36, 740, 741, 742, 743

Columbia River basin Montana Floods (1) 88

combined sewers (1) 1077

commercial fishery (17) 290, 417, 443, 446, 449, 495, 704, 804, 847, 850, 851, 852, 854, 888, 925, 1103, 1203

commercial fishing (6) 322, 350, 351, 448, 848, 849

community composition (2) 114, 879

community development (2) 914, 1071

compaction (1) 823

compacts (1) 360

*comparative Productivity (1) 1129

comparative studies (1) 536

comparison studies (2) 427, 662

comparison techniques (1) 1201

competing use (4) 78, 257, 952, 1108

competition (3) 784, 973, 1105

composition (3) 46, 633, 1164

*comprehensive planning (2) 239, 287

computer models (5) 459, 480, 622, 726, 979

computer programs (12) 172, 296, 457, 459, 461, 524, 526, 557, 575, 778, 979, 1090

concentration (2) 13, 344

concepts (1) 298

concrete (2) 562, 631

conductivity (1) 237

conferences (1) 79

confinement pens (2) 2, 802

conservation (12) 7, 48, 78, 369, 373, 457, 487, 597, 640, 882, 1046, 1073

constraints (1) 307

construction (4) 124, 562, 681, 1133

construction materials (3) 8, 235, 678

consumptive use (3) 241, 257, 288

contaminants (3) 138, 782, 873

contamination (1) 177

continental margin sedimentation (1) 1177

control structures (2) 585, 1038

controls (5) 898, 910, 1055, 1056, 1165

convection (2) 333, 757

Conyza canadensis (1) 973

cooling (4) 275, 332, 777, 778

*cooling capacity (1) 777

cooling towers (1) 275

cooling water (3) 160, 334, 757

coordination (1) 1161

Copepods (3) 65, 203, 204

copper (1) 237

Coprostanols (1) 989

Corduliidae (1) 1018

cores (2) 993, 1177

correlation (3) 104, 464, 935

correlation analysis (2) 575, 622

Corydalus cornutus (1) 1015

cost (2) 124, 718

*cost allocation (1) 969

cost analysis (5) 22, 225, 310, 420, 969

cost and benefits (1) 339

cost benefit analysis (7) 129, 239, 329, 466, 962, 969, 970

cost effectiveness (1) 589

cost sharing (1) 310

costs (6) 22, 588, 697, 773, 913, 969

cottonwood trees (4) 318, 500, 822, 903

Cottus cognat (1) 1146

Coustaceans (1) 515

creel census (9) 529, 718, 717, 787, 796, 840, 889, 960, 1142

creep (1) 326

crest stage gages (4) 740, 741, 742, 743

Cretaceous (24) 81, 116, 196, 197, 326, 382, 384, 391, 393, 395, 397, 464,552, 557, 568, 627, 934, 935, 1055, 1056, 1100, 1160, 1172, 1177

Cretaceous Pleistocene aquifers (1) 988

critical review (2) 13, 454

crop production (2) 613, 954

crop yield (1) 94

cropland (1) 260

crops (1) 225

cross sections (2) 428, 488

Crow Creek Indian Reservation (1) 471

*Crow Indian Reservation (1) 1129

Crustacea (1) 81

Cs 137 (1) 145

Ctenopharyngodon idella (2) 115, 783

Culicidae (1) 758

cultivation (1) 244

*cultural costs (1) 913

cultural resources (2) 1067, 1068

cultured organisms (1) 751

current meters (1) 662

current research (1) 949

cutthroat trout (2) 593, 860

Cyanophyta (1) 1187

Cycleptus elongatus (2) 267, 879

cycles (1) 880

Cyclops bicuspidatus thomasi (1) 610

cyclothems (1) 1177

Cyprinidae (6) 52, 211, 418, 431, 572, 879

Cyprinus carpio (9) 198, 267, 357, 433, 604, 675, 923, 924, 1118

Cyptobranchus alleganiensis (1) 775

Dakota Formation (1) 1177

dam construction (1) 1095

dam effects (6) 412, 432, 515, 732, 822, 872

dam foundations (1) 835

damage (1) 94

dams (43) 22, 26, 28, 42, 89, 105, 117, 131, 132, 233, 293, 307, 308, 339, 357, 374, 414, 427, 454, 505, 541, 629, 630, 631, 682, 697, 711, 720, 732, 771, 790, 805, 806, 809, 829, 956, 999, 1002, 1039, 1043, 1044, 1127, 1133

dams environmental aspects (1) 1080

Daphnia (2) 1186, 1187

Daphnia galeata mendotae (1) 610

Daphnia pulex (1) 610

Darcy 's law (1) 80

data (3) 209, 404, 717

data acquisition (3) 122, 546, 999

data bases (1) 571

*data collections (18) 6, 131, 140, 255, 314, 427, 569, 580, 612, 622, 761, 763, 932, 933, 1081, 1090, 1108, 1133

data interpretation (1) 600

data processing (11) 122, 233, 304, 457, 480, 522, 557, 571, 575, 622, 897

data reduction (1) 233

data reports (2) 929, 930

data storage and retrieval (1) 1108

dates (1) 306

Ddd (1) 583

Dde (3) 484, 583, 886

DDT (6) 177, 484, 583, 675, 872, 886

debris flows (1) 384

decision making (8) 191, 295, 307, 314, 592, 969, 1090, 1201

deforestation (1) 549

degradation (10) 91, 159, 374, 458, 459, 489, 587, 629, 648, 1101

dehydration (1) 813

deltaic environment (1) 1177

deltas (1) 613

density currents (1) 65

deposition (7) 91, 169, 464, 500, 935, 945, 1164

depositional environment (1) 1177

deposition sediments (3) 628, 829, 1021

*depressions (1) 948

depth (5) 205, 412, 475, 575, 703

Des Moines Lobe (1) 76

desalination (1) 36

design (9) 168, 809, 810, 856, 885, 921, 945, 1040, 1041

Design floods (2) 363, 835

detection (1) 1200

development (4) 298, 387, 501, 1165

development projects (1) 549

Devils Lake (1) 329

Devonian (1) 104

di 2 ethylhexyl phthalic acid (1) 1191

diagenesis (2) 880, 935

Diaptomus (1) 610

diatoms (7) 65, 158, 367, 477, 695, 1135, 1136

diatremes (3) 400, 401, 402

dibenzocarbazole (1) 37

dieldrin (5) 349, 484, 583, 675, 886

Diettertia montanensis (1) 116

diffusion (5) 296, 333, 578, 757, 963

diffusion coefficients (1) 963

digital simulation (1) 304

dike fields (1) 921

dike pools (1) 39

dikes (15) 27, 39, 136, 337, 493, 715, 829, 851, 854, 878, 921, 971, 1053, 1069, 1137

dimorphism (1) 1100

diptera (6) 136, 474, 634, 657, 658, 722

discharge (22) 28, 93, 108, 132, 145, 194, 201, 365, 522, 571, 669, 682, 749, 765, 805, 945, 977, 978, 1051, 1101, 1179, 1194

discharge measurement (5) 40, 244, 549, 569, 662

discharge water (8) 40, 140, 154, 375, 575, 628, 829, 1133

Discoscaphites (1) 1100

disease (1) 213

disease resistance (1) 751

dispersion (9) 234, 296, 410, 488, 902, 906, 1170, 1193, 1195

displacements (1) 934

dissolved materials (2) 880, 1160

dissolved oxygen (4) 205, 1001, 1078, 1136

dissolved solids (3) 237, 324, 948

distribution (45) 24, 31, 32, 51, 53, 62, 70, 111, 112, 152, 164, 174, 246, 261, 297, 299, 330, 348, 400,410, 476, 495, 602, 679, 696, 752, 753, 755, 756, 779, 784, 800, 821, 838, 860, 861, 875, 893, 901, 908, 984, 1029, 1031, 1083, 1102

distribution analysis (1) 920

distribution patterns (1) 1158

distribution records (3) 148, 456, 1018

disturbance (2) 318, 959

diurnal variation (1) 412

diversion (4) 28, 329, 481, 1070

diversion structures (2) 95, 307

diversity (1) 1181

domestic wastes (3) 272, 989, 1078

domestic water (1) 1108

Dorosoma cepedianum (8) 52, 164, 358, 513, 604, 636, 879, 1095

drainage (6) 149, 364, 613, 1039, 1057, 1178

drainage area (3) 260, 508, 933

drainage basins (10) 124, 344, 404, 567, 582, 749, 750, 765, 806, 880

drainage changes (9) 41, 206, 300, 355, 469, 632, 1003, 1004, 1175

Drainage Effects (1) 1071

Drainage Engineering (1) 1129

drainage evolution (1) 469

drainage patterns (3) 76, 856, 897

drainage systems (1) 793

drainfallage basins (1) 134

drains (1) 1071

drawdown (5) 66, 407, 585, 923, 1114

*dredges (1) 475

dredging (4) 135, 461, 1049, 1198

drift (2) 188, 337

drinking water (3) 344, 811, 886

*drought (2) 312, 1079

dry farming (1) 1129

dunes (2) 23, 912

Duolite A 7 (1) 13

duration curves (1) 569

dust (1) 306

*dust storms (1) 1069

dye dilution techniques (1) 1170

dye releases (3) 296, 1170, 1195

earthquakes (1) 567

easements (1) 1046

echo surveys (1) 1087

ECL:Entomology: Geographical distribution 1302 (1) 1018

ecological associations (1) 879

ecological distribution (1) 503

ecological effects (8) 427, 455, 481, 715, 720, 822, 879, 973

ecology (31) 28, 32, 48, 59, 120, 239, 321, 332, 345, 373, 426, 429, 440, 454, 457, 499, 503, 541, 588, 638, 655, 680, 688, 755, 781, 795, 817, 891, 1014, 1102, 1120

economic analysis (2) 94, 837

economic and social factors (1) 588

economic aspects (5) 94, 142, 312, 329, 887

economic development (3) 530, 534, 1058

economic efficiency (2) 257, 1129

economic geology (25) 20, 21, 124, 207, 235, 258, 264, 278, 472, 480, 487, 595, 678, 714, 866, 917, 935, 994, 1034, 1099, 1137, 1171, 1172, 1197, 1198

economic impact (6) 105, 530, 836, 913, 1095, 1129

economic justification (2) 335, 1002

economic prediction (3) 192, 335, 1129

economics (14) 22, 61, 99, 135, 289, 335, 530, 541, 577, 589, 644, 748, 857, 981

ecosystem disturbance (2) 542, 720

ecosystem management (3) 216, 437, 519

ecosystem resilience (1) 294

ecosystem restoration (1) 422

ecosystems (11) 106, 424, 435, 436, 439, 515, 541, 586, 732, 898, 910

effective capacity (1) 332

effects (5) 101, 298, 321, 633, 1165

effects of dams on (1) 712

effluent (7) 118, 140, 239, 368, 979, 989, 1077

effluent standards (1) 334

effluent streams (1) 1187

Ekman Dredge (1) 475

El Dorado Mine (1) 917

electric fishing (1) 878

electric power demand (1) 777

electric power industry (2) 160, 544

electric power plants (4) 78, 275, 332, 334

electric power production (2) 777, 969

electrical conductivity (1) 547

electrofishing (1) 878

electrophoresis (1) 494

Elephantidae (1) 1176

Elephantoidea (1) 1176

elm trees (1) 822

embankments (4) 362, 557, 879, 1048

emerald shiner (1) 319

emigration (1) 775

eminent domain (1) 561

empirical equation (1) 1196

employment (1) 1095

endangered rivers (1) 18

endangered fish (2) 624, 1042

endangered species (12) 4, 253, 409, 431, 447, 572, 623, 872, 936, 951, 973, 1156

endemic species (1) 973

Endopterygota (1) 185

Endrin (3) 484, 583, 886

energy (10) 97, 124, 191, 332, 442, 530, 543, 579, 592, 726

energy conversion (1) 97

energy development (3) 229, 543, 619

energy sources (4) 130, 714, 737, 1172

engineering (2) 829, 1192

engineering designs (1) 1201

engineering geology (38) 8, 90, 93, 101, 124, 132, 168, 235, 249, 308, 321, 326, 342, 452, 457, 522, 552, 557, 571, 615, 616, 680, 681, 682, 730, 805, 806, 809, 810, 823, 921, 953, 993, 1051, 1055, 1056, 1121, 1154

engineering projects (1) 8

engineering properties (1) 953

engineering structures (1) 131

engineering tributaries (1) 192

enteric bacteria (2) 803, 1122

entrainment (8) 139, 160, 162, 411, 544, 703, 814, 824

enviromnental engineering (1) 588

environment (10) 48, 95, 239, 464, 541, 638, 948, 979, 1073, 1164

environment management (4) 118, 159, 438, 716

environmental effects (37) 10, 27, 95, 97, 120, 131, 135, 136, 142, 160, 191, 216, 329, 336, 424, 481, 502, 544, 579, 592, 608, 638, 657, 739, 773, 777, 822, 825, 874, 878, 954, 970, 1039, 1069, 1070, 1090, 1201

environmental engineering (4) 488, 541, 589, 778

environmental geology (17) 7, 134, 234, 298, 321, 454, 457, 597, 633, 649, 676, 680, 877, 910, 915, 1073, 1165

environmental impact (21) 28, 162, 216, 259, 284, 362, 411, 423, 425, 435, 436, 455, 492, 549, 638, 720, 737, 814, 824, 1001, 1011

environmental impact statement (7) 239, 241, 1022, 1039, 1053, 1069, 1071

environmental legislation (2) 640, 936

environmental management (2) 716, 899

environmental monitoring (4) 5, 354, 455, 999

environmental policy (1) 716

environmental protection (4) 166, 424, 640, 958

Environmental Protection Agency (1) 275

environmental restoration (3) 118, 922, 958

enzyme polymorphism (1) 558

Ephemeroptera (3) 299, 625, 634

equations (7) 140, 307, 523, 525, 575, 810, 977

Equidae (1) 1176

equity (1) 47

erodibility (1) 91

erosion (45) 77, 90, 91, 92, 101, 149, 153, 170, 243, 244, 254, 259, 283, 343, 384, 452, 500, 525, 557, 565, 591, 615, 616, 618, 633, 681, 735, 765, 805, 807, 819, 856, 874, 877, 882, 902, 922, 972, 1040, 1041, 1053, 1055, 1056, 1080, 1128

erosion control (9) 136, 295, 585, 640, 675, 829, 954, 1053, 1069

erosion features (1) 452

erratics (2) 188, 243

error analysis (3) 662, 760, 968

ERTS (1) 910

Esox lucius (10) 266, 386, 433, 511, 516, 660, 675, 826, 875, 906

estimated benefits (1) 1002

estimated costs (1) 1002

*estimating (1) 968

Etheostoma spectabile (1) 1174

Ethion (1) 583

Eutheria (1) 1176

*eutrophication (2) 120, 1187

evaluation (10) 95, 480, 507, 543, 546, 640, 1060, 1159, 1191, 1201

evaporation (1) 334

evapotranspiration (1) 905

evolution (1) 91

excavation (1) 773

expeditions (2) 597, 666

expeditions and explorations (2) 186, 187

experimental studies (4) 132, 538, 977, 978

exploitation (1) 947

exploration (4) 29, 137, 262, 372

facilities (2) 307, 335

Fairfax District (1) 480

farm produce (1) 75

farm wastes (3) 2, 383, 802

farms (1) 1201

fathead minnow (1) 875

faults (3) 470, 552, 934

fauna (2) 414, 684

faunal list (2) 315, 610

faunal provinces (1) 315

faunal studies (2) 398, 767

feasibility studies (3) 225, 466, 916

fecundity (1) 535

federal government (8) 78, 129, 275, 360, 530, 1002, 1037, 1070

federal jurisdiction (2) 360, 952

federal policies (1) 936

Federal Power Commission (2) 192, 1002

*Federal Project Policy (2) 129, 970

federal reservations (2) 78, 225

federal state controversies (1) 997

federal states water rights conflicts (1) 78

*Federal Water Pollution Control Act (1) 638

Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments Of 1972 (1) 638

*Federal Water Project Act (1) 970

Federal Water Project Recreation Act Of 1965 Complian (1) 1046

*feed lots (1) 802

feeding (2) 419, 656

feeding behavior (1) 657

feeding ecology (1) 200

feeding habits (1) 657

feeding rates (1) 657

Fenthion (1) 583

ferric sludge (1) 83

fertilizers (1) 902

field studies (1) 901

filtration (4) 13, 83, 143, 287

filtration rates (1) 143

financial feasibility (1) 653

financing (1) 2

finite difference analysis (2) 122, 972

finite difference methods (2) 159, 333

finite element analysis (1) 242

fish (64) 17, 27, 31, 52, 71, 112, 133, 136, 176, 179, 191, 213, 219, 246, 267, 327, 329, 331, 358, 380, 387, 388, 410, 441, 512, 544, 592, 635, 666, 669, 675, 690, 704, 705, 707, 712, 713, 724, 732, 755, 756, 766, 784, 792, 820, 838, 873, 878, 881, 891, 1029, 1045, 1058, 1109, 1111, 1114, 1115, 1117, 1124, 1130, 1140, 1145, 1150, 1169

Fish And Wildlife Coordination Act Of 1958 Compliance (1) 1046

fish behavior (4) 657, 896, 1020, 1098

fish conservation (4) 275, 703, 1069, 1098

fish detection (1) 1087

fish diets (2) 657, 891

fish eggs (3) 456, 535, 703

fish flesh tainting (2) 803, 1122

fish food (1) 636

fish food organisms (2) 636, 657

fish habitat (1) 311

fish kill (3) 38, 583, 802

fish larvae (3) 114, 115, 411

fish management (3) 357, 541, 896

fish migration (3) 120, 224, 896

fish passages (1) 1098

fish physiology (4) 198, 268, 275, 636

fish populations (9) 224, 268, 357, 513, 715, 892, 896, 922, 1180

fish reproduction (3) 64, 275, 703

fish survey (4) 138, 320, 845, 1143

fisheries (14) 58, 151, 161, 200, 328, 357, 370, 378, 420, 706, 726, 770, 896, 1119

fishery (6) 368, 416, 444, 620, 641, 686

fishery biology (1) 865

fishery management (11) 79, 427, 437, 519, 604, 918, 964, 1046, 1087, 1180, 1182

fishery resources (1) 438

fishery surveys (1) 115

fishes (21) 59, 113, 214, 371, 440, 462, 510, 516, 521, 559, 584, 667, 753, 785, 821, 893, 956, 1020, 1031, 1148, 1157

fishing (2) 248, 357

fishing Missouri River guide books (1) 980

fishing Montana guide books (1) 980

fishing survey (2) 30, 248

flash floods (1) 685

flathead catfish (11) 175, 224, 417, 463, 566, 670, 671, 673, 846, 879, 1013

flathead chub (2) 611, 1150

Flaxville Formation (1) 1151

flood (4) 279, 318, 527, 553

flood control (32) 5, 15, 74, 87, 95, 129, 166, 216, 230, 233, 269, 270, 362, 422, 483, 498, 499, 502, 541, 585, 613, 629, 789, 829, 874, 904, 969, 1002, 1039, 1057, 1069, 1071

flood control tunnels (1) 233

*flood crest (1) 363

flood damage (7) 5, 94, 216, 588, 640, 763, 1038

flood data (1) 1038

flood discharge (1) 763

*flood effects (1) 363

*flood flow (1) 363

flood forecasting (4) 16, 362, 612, 685

*flood frequency (9) 260, 612, 740, 741, 742, 743, 763, 776, 933

flood hydrographs (1) 763

flood measurements (1) 612

flood of 1973 (1) 55

flood of 1993 (5) 77, 178, 547, 589, 1062

flood peak (3) 742, 743, 763

flood prevention (2) 957, 1039

flood profiles (1) 1038

flood protection (5) 192, 466, 835, 1053, 1057

flood recurrence intervals (1) 363

flood stage (1) 314

flooding (10) 216, 314, 563, 577, 640, 720, 973, 1047, 1053, 1190

floodplain (47) 76, 102, 114, 131, 172, 185, 190, 193, 216, 252, 261, 269, 294, 304, 318, 341, 352, 353, 362, 363, 366, 438, 453, 497, 502, 503, 505, 548, 564, 573, 613, 645, 646, 647, 809, 822, 867, 890, 915, 958, 973, 1038, 1052, 1053, 1126, 1134, 1156

floodplain development (1) 427

floodplain ecology (1) 1094

floodplain fauna (1) 1094

floodplain management (14) 125, 150, 270, 325, 359, 363, 424, 485, 957, 1064, 1065, 1066, 1067, 1068

floodplain protection (1) 505

floods (52) 5, 16, 19, 49, 50, 94, 117, 134, 149, 190, 199, 216, 245, 252, 294, 314, 345, 361, 365, 366, 389, 404, 498, 503, 505, 549, 563, 588, 612, 640, 676, 738, 740, 741, 742, 743, 763, 769, 771, 810, 874, 898, 904, 910, 955, 971, 981, 1010, 1032, 1038, 1061, 1133

floods Montana (1) 88

floodwalls (1) 1038

floodway (1) 1063

flora (1) 414

floral studies (1) 116

flow (25) 47, 71, 183, 332, 339, 501, 514, 562, 575, 630, 631, 650, 688, 725, 734, 757, 829, 875, 911, 912, 919, 1000, 1060, 1133, 1194

flow characteristics (2) 569, 933

flow control (2) 720, 1001

flow dispersion (1) 231

flow duration (3) 508, 776, 933

flow management (1) 500

*flow measurement (1) 662

flow meters (1) 233

*flow models (1) 827

flow pattern (1) 822

flow profiles (1) 1196

flow rate (12) 432, 508, 569, 703, 740, 741, 742, 743, 896, 920, 932, 999

*flow regulation (1) 1001

flow requirements (1) 327

flow resistance (1) 23

flow velocity (7) 428, 488, 657, 662, 878, 896, 1195

*fluid flow (1) 233

fluorometry (1) 1170

fluvial environment (4) 145, 1151, 1164, 1177

fluvial features (47) 41, 57, 76, 92, 117, 172, 185, 190, 206, 220, 227, 234, 254, 278, 300, 304, 342, 355, 364, 469, 548, 587, 643, 680, 682, 749, 765, 806, 809, 882, 890, 897, 901, 915, 993, 1003, 1004, 1007, 1073, 1088, 1121, 1128, 1131, 1132, 1153, 1175, 1193

fluvial morphology (5) 437, 438, 490, 519, 747

fluvial sedimentation (3) 522, 525, 1176

fluvial transport (1) 542

folds (1) 934

food (9) 412, 463, 636, 641, 656, 657, 861, 876, 979

food chains (1) 979

food habits (12) 34, 70, 280, 406, 621, 752, 756, 891, 967, 1106, 1117, 1202

forage (1) 128

forecasting (9) 283, 338, 466, 507, 613, 638, 685, 711, 979

Forest City (1) 326

forest damage (1) 366

forest roads (1) 1046

forest soils (1) 502

forest succession (1) 500

forestry (2) 131, 502forests (11) 106, 216, 315, 318, 366, 503, 505, 532, 531, 858, 1046

Fort Peck Dam (4) 42, 311, 687, 710

Fort Peck Lake (11) 62, 111, 602, 705, 706, 787, 1040, 1041, 1048, 1054, 1157

Fort Randall Dam (9) 233, 242, 533, 587, 710, 805, 866, 1055, 1056

Fort Randall Lake (12) 330, 414, 711, 907, 923, 924, 926, 927, 928, 1044, 1085, 1086

Fort Union Formation (1) 1165

fossil assemblages (1) 995

fossil fuels (1) 777

fossils (1) 627

foundations (3) 618, 823, 835

*Fourier Analysis (2) 338, 614

Fox Hills Formation (1) 1100

fractionation (1) 13

fractures (1) 934

Fragilaria (1) 476

French Bar Mine (3) 917, 1099, 1198

frequency (2) 49, 389

Frequency analysis (1) 569

fresh water marshes (1) 1071

freshwater biology (1) 1014

freshwater crustaceans (1) 1182

freshwater drum (6) 141, 433, 732, 985, 986, 987

freshwater ecology (3) 425, 918, 1015

freshwater fish (16) 67, 114, 140, 198, 294, 357, 408, 423, 494, 536, 537,540, 657, 687, 786, 788

freshwater ice (1) 26

freshwater molluscs (1) 995

freshwater organisms (1) 492

freshwater pollution (1) 788

Freundlich equation (1) 385

fry (1) 703

fulvic acids (1) 13

future growth (1) 466

fuzzy sets (1) 1201

gaging (2) 404, 1101

gaging stations (6) 6, 508, 569, 932, 933, 944

Gallatin River (2) 215, 470

Gamma Chlordane (1) 675

gamma radiation (1) 685

Gammon Member (1) 935

Garrison Dam (10) 42, 69, 454, 688, 693, 710, 790, 822, 1055, 1056

Garrison Diversion Unit (12) 71, 120, 142, 329, 346, 604, 665, 753, 754, 1072, 1149, 1201

Garrison Reservoir (22) 62, 65, 70, 163, 280, 388, 446, 495, 639, 690, 705, 724, 752, 755, 756, 779, 960, 961, 1102, 1103, 1105, 1106

gas chromatography (3) 277, 675, 989

gasification (1) 20

gastropods (2) 315, 767

Gavins Point Dam (21) 85, 89, 90, 91, 93, 302, 357, 457, 460, 522, 523, 533, 805, 807, 893, 895, 920, 923, 1001, 1055, 1056

gear (1) 449

gems (6) 917, 1099, 1137, 1171, 1197, 1198

genesis (3) 46, 633, 1010

genetic variance (1) 494

genetics (2) 494, 1174

geochemistry (13) 13, 33, 37, 201, 209, 345, 346, 385, 688, 812, 992, 1185, 1200

geographical distribution (8) 410, 456, 494, 758, 783, 1018, 1146, 1174

geohydrology (2) 403, 916

geologic (2) 235, 278

geologic formations, Lists, sections, Tables (3) 206, 1132, 1172

geologic hazards (8) 134, 149, 235, 345, 567, 676, 806, 898

geologic history (5) 41, 107, 278, 355, 1132

geologic maps (3) 104, 206, 988

geologic reconnaissance for engineering projects (1) 8

geology (9) 100, 131, 239, 271, 394, 637, 773, 948, 1199

geometry (3) 91, 263, 810

geomorphology (41) 57, 76, 117, 153, 188, 189, 190, 220, 221, 243, 251, 278, 342, 364, 525, 548, 567, 587, 615, 616, 643, 682, 721, 730, 747, 749, 765, 798, 806, 819, 827, 877, 882, 890, 897, 948, 1007, 1010, 1153, 1193, 1194

geophysical methods (2) 676, 897

geophysical surveys (9) 11, 470, 571, 595, 615, 616, 805, 897, 910

geophysics (1) 100

geothermal gradient (1) 11

geothermal studies (1) 97

geothermal water (2) 550, 551

Gila atraria (1) 604

gill netting (1) 1096

gizzard shad (8) 52, 164, 358, 513, 604, 636, 87, 1096

glacial aquifers (1) 580

glacial diversion of the Missouri River (1) 1003

glacial drift (1) 944

glacial extent (2) 243, 306

glacial features (5) 188, 243, 281, 1004, 1010

glacial geology (13) 188, 190, 206, 243, 306, 469, 552, 632, 1007, 1010, 1132, 1152, 1175

glacial lakes (3) 243, 953, 1004

glacial sedimentation (1) 1176

glaciated soils (1) 80

glaciation (6) 188, 190, 243, 306, 337, 906

glaciers (2) 190, 948

Glasgow (2) 46, 890

global warming (2) 312, 825

gold ores (2) 917, 1197

goldeye (14) 181, 267, 280, 433, 446, 450, 496, 641, 700, 756, 779, 826, 879, 884

Goosebill Dome (1) 337

government agencies (1) 949

government organizations (1) 1159

government policy (2) 640, 936

governmental interrelations (3) 287, 952, 1149

governments (1) 970

graded bedding (1) 525

gradients (1) 727

grain shapes (1) 912

grain size (4) 90, 596, 750, 901

granulometry (1) 813

graphical analysis (1) 504

grass carp (1) 783

*grasslands (1) 948

gravel (4) 188, 353, 1164, 1178

gravity faulting (1) 552

grazing (1) 1129

Great Falls (3) 116, 464, 1160

Great Lignite Basin (1) 382

Great Plains (15) 48, 97, 382, 454, 530, 557, 567, 619, 643, 750, 805, 866, 882, 1151, 1171

green algae (1) 476

green sunfish (1) 405

Greenhorn Cyclothem (1) 1177

greenhouse effect (1) 312

Greyson Formation (1) 1197

ground water (58) 14, 56, 101, 108, 117, 122, 123, 172, 195, 196, 209, 225, 227, 232, 235, 264, 271, 272, 273, 274, 305, 304, 303, 346, 352, 353, 354, 403, 457, 465, 468, 471, 480, 487, 528, 556, 567, 570, 580, 649, 719, 799, 802, 825, 866, 904, 932, 948, 949, 972, 988, 991, 994, 1125, 1154, 1160, 1176, 1200

ground water allocation policy (1) 653

ground water basins (1) 271

ground water flow (1) 867

ground water irrigation (1) 916

ground water management (2) 835, 916

ground water movement (4) 121, 353, 555, 1170

ground water pollution (1) 867

ground water quality (1) 916

ground water recharge (2) 21, 916

ground water resources (2) 465, 653

growth (7) 265, 376, 505, 513, 611, 636, 1096

growth kinetics (1) 822

growth rates (3) 131, 502, 822

growth stages (1) 140

guidebook (6) 43, 68, 126, 188, 678, 1197

Gulf Coastal Plain (1) 730

gullies (1) 452

gully erosion (2) 578, 874

habitat (40) 32, 38, 58, 133,136, 202, 261, 350, 351,455, 463,559, 560, 566, 710, 712, 721, 784, 795, 850, 851, 854, 855, 875, 895, 951, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1030, 1039, 1053, 1063, 1083, 1110, 1112

habitat alteration (8) 31, 175, 406, 445, 493, 690, 849, 1183

habitat change (1) 418

habitat improvement (7) 437, 493, 519, 541, 697, 1071, 1182

habitat requirements (1) 885

habitat restoration (1) 500

habits (1) 412

halides (1) 812

halogens (1) 812

*harbors (2) 509, 1021

*Hardin Irrigation Unit (1) 1129

hardness water (2) 324, 1136

harvest (5) 357, 642, 833, 853, 883

harvest rate (1) 357

harvesting (2) 687, 704

hazardous materials (1) 867

hazards (1) 362

Hce (1) 886

headwaters (3) 109, 394, 774

headwaters hydrology (1) 295

*heat (1) 777

heat budget (1) 336

heat flow (1) 11

heat transfer (1) 335

heated water (3) 156, 335, 757

heavy metals (6) 408, 492, 868, 872, 962, 1078

HEC PRM (1) 483

hellbender (1) 775

hematology (1) 751

Heptachlor (3) 484, 583, 886

Heptachlor Epoxide (3) 484, 583, 675

herbicides (3) 172, 344, 345

herbivores (1) 1187

herpetile (1) 655

Heteroceridae (1) 185

Heterocerus (1) 185

heterogeneity (1) 304

heterogeneous materials (2) 227, 304

heterozygosity (1) 906

Hexagenia (3) 205, 475, 477

high flow (3) 508, 776, 933

high flow regime rating (1) 40

high water mark (1) 1037

highways (1) 326

hill sites (1) 727

Hiodon alosoides (14) 181, 267, 280, 433, 446, 450, 496, 641, 700, 756, 779, 826, 879, 884

Hippomorpha (1) 1176

historic floods (5) 5, 94, 314, 640, 1038

historical account (2) 437, 519

historical data (1) 569

historical geology (8) 104, 196, 206, 393, 632, 988, 1132, 1172

historical survey (1) 359

history (22) 29, 32, 42, 61, 109, 137, 236, 364, 372, 381, 481, 486, 545, 654, 784, 877, 898, 904, 913, 945, 976, 1099

Holocene (4) 12, 185, 235, 315

Holoscaphites (1) 1100

hoop nets (1) 878

horizons (1) 12

Hudson Bay (3) 309, 933, 1149

Hudson Bay Basin (2) 6, 932

Hudson Bay basin Montana Floods (1) 88

Hudson Bay Lowlands (1) 1034

human activity (4) 149, 567, 765, 898

human ecology (2) 567, 731

humid environment (1) 1177

hunting (1) 309

Hybognathus argyritis (1) 418

Hybognathus placitus (1) 418

Hybopsis gelida (1) 795

Hybopsis gracilis (1) 611

Hybopsis meeki (1) 795

hybridization (2) 152, 558

hydraulic conductivity (5) 80, 172, 304, 303, 972

hydraulic engineering (2) 89, 490

hydraulic fills (1) 823

*hydraulic geometry (1) 827

hydraulic models (11) 250, 296, 375, 461, 490, 630, 744, 827, 1021, 1049, 1065

hydraulic similitude (1) 375

hydraulic structures (2) 159, 744

hydraulic systems (1) 790

hydraulic turbines (1) 790

hydraulics (14) 93, 156, 170, 227, 304, 488, 615, 616, 630, 744, 912, 921, 964, 1190

hydrocarbons (1) 782

hydrodynamics (6) 227, 305, 363, 1051, 1189, 1194

hydroelectric power (14) 87, 117, 157, 192, 226, 241, 412, 483, 714, 726, 737, 790, 969, 970

hydroelectric power plants (5) 26, 129, 336, 481, 969

Hydroelectric Project Licensing (1) 969

hydrogen ion concentration (1) 1136

hydrogeologic maps (1) 799

hydrogeology (44) 14, 56, 91, 98, 108, 117, 122, 194, 209, 234, 235, 242, 263, 264, 271, 273, 281, 303, 304, 305, 352, 365, 404, 457, 460, 465, 471, 570, 571, 582, 633, 649, 688, 749, 750, 799, 877, 882, 897, 911, 972, 1033, 1034, 1160

hydrographs (9) 154, 201, 353, 427, 555, 569, 730, 945, 1133

hydrography (1) 427

hydrolgogic data (1) 271

hydrologic (1) 98

*hydrologic aspects (1) 948

hydrologic budget (1) 403

hydrologic data (14) 6, 255, 273, 507, 569, 580, 612, 740, 741, 742, 743, 761, 932, 1077

hydrologic models (2) 215, 241

hydrologic properties (2) 305, 575

hydrologic studies (1) 685

hydrology (99) 14, 15, 56, 91, 96, 98, 100, 117, 118, 122, 124, 134, 145, 149, 159, 170, 171, 194, 231, 234, 239, 242, 255, 263, 281, 303, 304, 342, 345, 346, 354, 359, 362, 365, 388, 404, 438, 457, 460, 482, 483, 549, 563, 571, 572, 575, 582, 615, 616, 633, 637, 643, 644, 649, 676, 680, 682, 688, 716, 719, 726, 745, 749, 750, 791, 799, 806, 807, 812, 848, 849, 866, 873, 877, 882, 897, 901, 911, 915, 922, 945, 947, 948, 964, 972, 993, 994, 1000, 1033, 1034, 1042, 1051, 1055, 1056, 1057, 1108, 1125, 1133

hydrometeorology (1) 563

hydropower (3) 588, 677, 711

Hydropsyche (1) 658

hydrostatic pressure (1) 835

hydrostatics (1) 790

Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (1) 200

Hysterothylacium dollfusi (1) 751

IALLUVIAL (4) 457, 458, 459, 522

Iatan (1) 43

Iaton Formation (1) 235

ice (3) 900, 1190, 1189

ice cover (1) 968

ice jams (1) 26

ice sheets (1) 243

ichnofossils (1) 185

ichthyocides (1) 604

ichthyofaunal (1) 655

ichthyology (1) 666

Ichthyomyzon (1) 213

Ichthyomyzon unicuspis (1) 31

ichthyoplankton (4) 176, 379, 455, 1012

Ictalurus furcathus (1) 417

Ictalurus melas (3) 675, 826, 875

Ictalurus punctatus (20) 175, 177, 223, 224, 265, 357, 376, 416, 433, 434, 675, 715, 846, 876, 967, 1026, 1103, 1107, 1113, 1202

icthyofauna (1) 119

Ictiobus (6) 433, 608, 675, 700, 1167, 1168

Ictiobus bubalus (3) 267, 621, 1118

Ictiobus cyprinellus (6) 267, 621, 659, 675, 879, 1118

igneous rocks (3) 400, 401, 402

Illinoian (1) 44

Illinoian age (1) 1131

Illinois (8) 201, 306, 346, 615, 616, 809, 812, 813

Illinois River (6) 37, 201, 346, 385, 813, 992

imagery (3) 676, 765, 805

immigration (1) 775

immunodiffusion (1) 751

immunology (1) 751

immunoprecipitation (1) 751

impact assessment (1) 792

impact statements (2) 454, 730

impacts (3) 463, 848, 942

impingement (1) 828

impoundments (14) 34, 60, 78, 267, 324, 406, 412, 449, 584, 692, 1042, 1115, 1157, 1182

Inarticulata (1) 568

index maps (1) 799

Indian reservations (5) 78, 147, 225, 471, 952

Indian rights (1) 737

Indian water rights (1) 952

Indians (2) 574, 581

indicator species (1) 284

indicators (3) 803, 1122, 1170

indirect benefits (1) 1129

induced Infiltration (1) 555

industrial plants (1) 466

industrial wastes (7) 198, 276, 383, 788, 1077, 1078, 1089

industrial water (5) 130, 256, 272, 619, 1108

infiltration (2) 101, 916

influent streams (1) 1187

information handling (1) 314

Information systems (1) 1108

*Infrared Imagery (1) 210

infrared methods (1) 897

infrared radiation (1) 210

inhomogeneous materials (1) 972

injuries (1) 864

inland water transportation (1) 75

inland waters (1) 593

inland waterways (3) 22, 259, 971

input output analysis (1) 255

insects (3) 136, 185, 634

instream flow (3) 661, 1024, 1127

instream water use (1) 241

*instrumentation (1) 662

instruments (2) 813, 993

intake systems (1) 250

intakes (3) 703, 744, 1098

intakes structures (1) 744

inter agency cooperation (1) 129

Interagency Sedimentation Project (1) 945

interbasin transfers (3) 36, 129, 825

interceptor sewers (1) 562

interglacial periods (1) 299

International agreements (1) 1149

International Joint Commission (2) 1149, 1201

international law (1) 142

interpretation (3) 464, 813, 935

interspecific relationships (2) 158, 1015

*interstate compacts (3) 360, 1037, 1161

interstate rivers (5) 47, 287, 360, 1081, 1161

introduced species (4) 115, 604, 1130, 1182

intrusions (5) 337, 400, 401, 402, 1137

inventory (3) 599, 646, 895

invertebrates (31) 81, 86, 104, 136, 160, 161, 182, 185, 205, 280, 315, 358, 382, 398, 406, 506, 568, 625,627, 658, 722, 725, 767, 878, 908, 984, 1083, 1100, 1119, 1177, 1183

investigations (1) 239

ion exchange (1) 13

ions (2) 65, 237

Iowa (54) 13, 14, 47, 74, 76, 83, 121, 122, 134, 147, 172, 192, 201, 220, 221, 283, 306, 315, 341, 345, 357, 364, 365, 371, 376, 457, 522, 569, 578, 615, 616, 675, 727, 748, 798, 812, 874, 882, 900, 901, 902, 920, 993, 1008, 1033, 1037, 1046, 1051, 1055, 1056, 1158, 1176, 1177, 1193

Iowan erosion surface (1) 76

iron (2) 237, 1200

irrigation (30) 36, 42, 56, 87, 95, 129, 191, 192, 225, 272, 310, 313, 329, 346, 454, 487, 592, 613, 619, 650, 709, 737, 866, 904, 1069, 1072, 1095, 1098, 1108, 1201

irrigation canals (2) 1070, 1071

irrigation effects (2) 80, 905

irrigation engineering (2) 703, 1082

irrigation permits (1) 703

irrigation programs (2) 1071, 1129

irrigation requirement (1) 905

irrigation systems (4) 78, 1070, 1071, 1129

irrigation water (6) 80, 120, 241, 726, 1070, 1098

Island Creek Shale (1) 1154

islands (3) 350, 848, 1037

isoenzymes (1) 558

isolation (1) 13

isostasy (1) 188

isotopes (2) 145, 306

isotropic materials (2) 227, 304

James River (4) 329, 875, 897, 916

judicial decisions (5) 47, 78, 95, 147, 1037

Jurassic (2) 391, 1160

juveniles (1) 868

Kansan (1) 44

Kansas (29) 14, 43, 44, 83, 134, 185, 192, 207, 214, 235, 243, 248, 251, 396, 398, 480, 508, 638, 805, 835, 866, 882, 1007, 1010, 1033, 1038, 1046, 1078, 1081

Kansas City (7) 50, 198, 252, 273, 835, 915, 989

Kansas City Kansas (1) 480

*Kansas River (7) 17, 243, 244, 286, 777, 1078, 1154

karst (1) 856

Keratella (1) 476

kettles (1) 281

kimberlitic rocks (1) 401

Kindschi Lake (1) 281

Kiowa Skull Creek Cyclothem (1) 1177

knees (1) 337

Kolmogorov Smirnov Test (1) 338

Kootenay Formation (3) 116, 464, 1160

lactate dehydrogenase (1) 1174

lacustrine (5) 145, 281, 819, 880, 953

Lake Arikaree (1) 1004

Lake Basins (1) 1069

Lake Francis Case (17) 62, 66, 182, 183, 205, 317, 330, 608, 610, 636, 635, 642, 907, 974, 1044, 1084, 1114

Lake Oahe (33) 51, 56, 69, 127, 145, 387, 512, 514, 516, 568, 641, 659, 660, 698, 701, 732, 830, 831, 832, 833, 884, 908, 909, 965, 966, 967, 1045, 1055, 1056, 1071, 1076, 1123, 1130

Lake Sakakawea. (23) 167, 345, 451, 539, 706, 752, 756, 794, 796, 797, 818, 819, 877, 966, 1019, 1102, 1104, 1106, 1106, 1107, 1167, 1168, 1182

Lake Sharpe (21) 51, 52, 60, 62, 265, 266, 267, 268, 358, 384, 387, 511, 513, 515, 518, 557, 732, 800, 889, 1043, 1045

Lake Yankton (1) 86

*Lakes (12) 6, 120, 124, 225, 243, 475, 610, 904, 931, 932, 1004, 1070

lamprey (1) 213

land acquisition (2) 125, 1046

*land development (3) 466, 954, 1129

land disposal (1) 586

land management (6) 118, 283, 948, 1046, 1129, 1173

land reclamation (4) 15, 118, 424, 773

land resources (1) 913

land settlement patterns (1) 731

land surfaces (1) 633

land use (18) 149, 252, 324, 453, 454, 466, 505, 542, 567, 613, 622, 680, 773, 910, 915, 981, 1073, 1091

land values (2) 1057, 1089

landfills (2) 823, 867

landform description (3) 189, 251, 798

landform evolution (6) 92, 364, 567, 819, 882, 1007

landforms (1) 890

LANDSAT (4) 470, 595, 765, 807

Landsat 1 (1) 676

landscapes (3) 567, 798, 856

landslides (1) 567

laplace transforms (1) 578

largemouth bass (1) 405

larval fish (4) 113, 139, 544, 1181

larval growth stage (1) 140

lateral conveyance structures (1) 1070

Laurentide ice sheet (1) 306

laws and legislation (4) 35, 230, 644, 1074

leaching (2) 33, 902

lead (2) 484, 492

least tern (5) 447, 721, 868, 951, 1016

lebensspuren (1) 185

legal aspects (8) 47, 78, 142, 192, 335, 360, 970, 1037

legislation (14) 2, 14, 129, 298, 360, 420, 640, 898, 936, 970, 1002, 1037, 1055, 1056

length weight relationships (2) 537, 611

lentic environment (1) 722

Lepomis cyanellus (1) 405

Lepomis macrochirus (1) 675

Lepomis marginatus (1) 494

Lepomis megalotis (1) 494

levees (11) 260, 362, 363, 466, 585, 646, 835, 971, 1038, 1039, 1052

levels (9) 122, 227, 304, 480, 570, 799, 866, 898, 949

Lewis and Clark (3) 137, 186, 187

Lewis and Clark County Montana (6) 68, 917, 1099, 1171, 1197, 1198

Lewis and Clark Lake (38) 60, 62, 65, 86, 182, 183, 205, 319, 477, 4765 496, 621, 657, 699, 702, 729, 869, 870, 891, 938, 975, 984, 985, 986, 987, 990, 1092, 1093, 1110, 1111, 1112, 1113, 1114, 1116, 1117, 1118, 1183

Lewis M (3) 187, 262, 666

life cycles (1) 658

life history (15) 45, 110, 163, 406, 446, 520, 611, 624, 696, 707, 754, 853, 865, 1110, 1112

lignite (1) 773

lime sludge (1) 83

limestone (3) 1154, 1160, 1185

limnology (27) 38, 52, 72, 73, 139, 268, 358, 412, 463, 513, 515, 518, 566, 607, 636, 637, 638, 674, 690, 706, 725, 732, 779, 801, 876, 110, 1163

Lindane (1) 583

lineaments (2) 470, 934

linear multiple regression techniques (1) 40

*linear programming (1) 307

linear regression (1) 711

Lingula (1) 568

*Lipids (1) 484

lithofacies (4) 464, 934, 935, 1164

lithostratigraphy (3) 235, 464, 1177

livestock (2) 2, 94

living taxa (1) 185

locks (2) 22, 481

loess (10) 46, 101, 168, 235, 283, 306, 727, 767, 1005, 1008

loess and alluvial deposits (1) 221

loess hills (2) 315, 798

long term changes (2) 455, 786

long term planning (1) 1090

longear sunfish (1) 494

longitudinal dispersion (1) 296

Lota lota (3) 415, 431, 572

lotic environment (1) 722

Loveland Loess (1) 306

Lovestone Mine (1) 917

low flow (9) 275, 508, 569, 761, 776, 900, 933, 944, 1001

low flow regime rating (1) 40

Lower Brule Indian Reservation (1) 471

lower Cretaceous (4) 116, 464, 1160, 1177

lower Pleistocene (1) 44

Macrhybopsis aestivalis (1) 418

Macrhybopsis gelida (3) 4, 418, 1150

Macrhybopsis meeki (1) 418

Macrhybopsis stroreriana (1) 418

macrofauna (1) 183

macroinvertebrates (5) 119, 412, 655, 728, 1017

macrophages (1) 751

macrophytes (1) 586

Madison Group (1) 1160

Madison River (3) 215, 470, 880

Maestrichtian (1) 1100

magnitude (1) 553

maintenance (1) 1089

maintenance costs

major element analyses (1) 465

Malacostraca (1) 81

Malathion (1) 583

mammals (2) 720, 1176

man induced effects (6) 427, 435, 437, 519, 542, 786

management (21) 2, 58, 60, 71, 222, 238, 307, 413, 449, 564, 651, 696, 717, 724, 787, 925, 1002, 1055, 1079, 1084, 1161

management planning (1) 295

Mandibulata (2) 81, 185

manganese (2) 237, 649

Manitoba (4) 142, 299, 810, 1149

map (15) 98, 190, 206, 235, 278, 400, 465, 470, 569, 570, 654, 680, 799, 904, 988

*Marias River Basin (1) 307

marinas (2) 461, 1049

marine environment (1) 346

marsh (1) 560

marshes (1) 891

mass movements (3) 384, 567, 856

Mastodon (1) 1176

materials, properties (3) 168, 342, 953

mathematical equations (4) 489, 600, 968, 1196

mathematical methods (1) 263

mathematical models (29) 159, 169, 170, 260, 282, 296, 301, 307, 333, 336, 352, 353, 452, 457, 458, 488, 500, 522, 546, 572, 578, 757, 778, 835, 882, 963, 972, 1001, 1090

mathematical studies (7) 335, 338, 600, 827, 920, 1057, 1196

mayflies (6) 39, 412, 477, 657, 658, 722

meandering rate (1) 500

meanders (12) 47, 57, 254, 296, 364, 503, 505, 575, 585, 747, 890, 1037

measurement (3) 679, 871, 962

measuring techniques (1) 433

mechanical drawings (1) 790

Melosira (1) 476

meltwater (1) 190

mercury (6) 408, 484, 788, 1076, 1123, 1124

Mesozoic (23) 81, 116, 196, 197, 326, 382, 384, 391, 393, 395, 397, 464, 552, 557, 568, 934, 935, 1055, 1056, 1100, 1160, 1172, 1177

metabolism (1) 658

metabolites (1) 675

metal ores (2) 917, 1197

metals (9) 17, 21, 38, 145, 346, 649, 880, 992, 1200

metamorphism (1) 68

meteorological data (1) 968

meteorology (1) 239

method of characteristics (1) 169

methodology (2) 140, 546

methods (3) 13, 765, 910

Methyl (1) 583

Methylmercury (1) 408

microcomputers (1) 480

Microcystis (1) 476

microfossils (2) 12, 1177

Micropterus dolomieui (3) 558, 834, 1027

Micropterus punctulatus (1) 558

Micropterus salmoides (3) 405, 407, 675

midcontinent (2) 856, 972

middle Pliocene (1) 1151

middle Proterozoic (1) 1197

midge larvae (1) 183

midges (4) 39, 183, 412, 515

Midwest (14) 5, 14, 37, 93, 94, 201, 342, 525, 640, 643, 681, 745, 765, 866

migration (3) 120, 309, 775

Milk River (3) 236, 747, 1146

mine drainage (1) 478

mine wastes (1) 467

mineral composition (3) 46, 399, 1177

mineral resources (6) 68, 235, 258, 278, 472, 678

minerals (1) 1058

mines (4) 207, 1154, 1171, 1197

mining (9) 15, 20, 38, 492, 543, 773, 788, 1099, 1165

mining wastes (1) 788

minnows (6) 52, 211, 418, 431, 572, 878

Miocene (2) 1151, 1176

miospores (1) 12

misnomer of scoria (1) 941

*Mississippi Missouri River Basin (2) 241, 968

Mississippi Valley (12) 76, 149, 201, 385, 676, 812, 901, 921, 992, 994, 1034, 1121

Mississippian (1) 1160

Missouri (66) 14, 22, 33, 43, 44, 46, 50, 83, 99, 104, 108, 134, 143, 192, 198, 201, 235, 251, 260, 272, 273, 274, 283, 304, 303, 321, 346, 352, 357, 466, 492, 538, 562, 578, 614, 615, 616, 618, 631, 638, 649, 652, 680, 727, 760, 767, 784, 785, 793, 812, 852, 856, 882, 890, 915, 944, 949, 972, 973, 977, 1033, 1039, 1046, 1081, 1155, 1159

Missouri and White Rivers (1) 1132

Missouri Basin Inter Agency Committee (1) 192

Missouri Coteau (1) 188

Missouri, Niangua R. (1) 775

*Missouri River alluvium (2) 272, 274

Missouri River automated data system (1) 571

Missouri River basin (66) 7, 8, 14, 20, 36, 78, 88, 124, 129, 134, 168, 192, 194, 215, 229, 243, 249, 251, 258, 283, 288, 298, 307, 308, 342, 346, 403, 404, 478, 487, 508, 530, 550, 567, 570, 579, 595, 612, 633, 643, 653, 714, 740, 741, 742, 743, 749, 750, 761, 763, 802, 806, 898, 901, 910, 932, 991, 994, 1033, 1057, 1069, 1089, 1108, 1161, 1165

Missouri River Basin, engineering geology problems (1) 249

Missouri River Breaks (3) 401, 402, 400

Missouri River Cross sections (1) 1132

Missouri River preglacial course (1) 1175

Missouri River region (8) 197, 391, 393, 395, 397, 576, 1005, 1008

Missouri River shifting (1) 254

Missouri River trench formation (1) 552

Missouri River upper region (1) 1152

Missouri River valley (33) 43, 44, 76, 109, 185, 190, 196, 207, 221, 278, 281, 304, 306, 315, 381, 465, 472, 473, 580, 582, 676, 798, 890, 915, 949, 988, 1010, 1034, 1100, 1172, 1176, 1177, 1200

Missouri River watershed (2) 606, 997

Missouri Salt River Valley History (1) 731

mitigation (4) 133, 942, 1045, 1046, 1204

mixing (6) 156, 296, 488, 757, 880, 1195

model studies (30) 156, 169, 215, 233, 241, 255, 282, 296, 333, 338, 353, 363, 375, 578, 585, 622, 631, 685, 734, 744, 757, 827, 835, 916, 979, 999, 1001, 1021, 1194, 1196

modeling (2) 526, 792

models (34) 91, 92, 93, 100, 108, 132, 170, 228, 240, 242, 362, 370, 375, 427, 457, 460, 461, 480, 483, 594, 617, 626, 764, 809, 837, 836, 880, 1000, 1016, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1026, 1060

MODFLOW (1) 172

moisture (1) 897

moisture uptake (1) 905

molluscan faunas (1) 768

mollusks (7) 315, 382, 568, 768, 1083, 1100, 1177

molybdenum (1) 21

monitoring (13) 172, 239, 276, 344, 352, 369, 412, 455, 484, 551, 676, 921, 1081

*Montana (76) 6, 7, 14, 20, 30, 41, 68, 116, 132, 190, 192, 236, 240, 241, 255, 264, 278, 307, 337, 392, 393, 400, 401, 402, 450, 453, 456, 462, 464, 465, 469, 470, 472, 550, 551, 580, 584, 597, 678, 726, 740, 741, 742, 743, 761, 763, 773, 774, 805, 815, 880, 882, 898, 917, 929, 931, 932, 933, 953, 970, 988, 1033, 1069, 1073, 1099, 1129, 1137, 1151, 1159, 1160, 1171, 1173, 1175, 1187, 1197, 1198

monthly rating curves (1) 40

moraines (2) 188, 798

Morone americana (1) 410

Morone chrysops (6) 608, 636, 675, 700, 869, 870

morphology (6) 12, 81, 116, 185, 513, 1100

morphology organisms (2) 1146, 1174

morphometry (2) 205, 536

Morrison Formation (1) 1160

mortality (7) 140, 141, 160, 380, 513, 544, 1096

mosaics (1) 190

mosquito (1) 758

movement (13) 33, 98, 122, 172, 227, 305, 434, 657, 775, 853, 880, 949, 972

Moxostoma (1) 838

Moxostoma macrolepidotum (1) 218

mucilage (1) 158

mud (1) 475

mudcracks (1) 1126

mudstone (2) 464, 1178

multiple purpose projects (5) 95, 129, 541, 1002, 1201

multiple purpose reservoirs (2) 95, 1071

municipal wastes (6) 99, 276, 383, 1077, 1089, 1122

municipal water (3) 241, 272, 886

mussel (1) 217

mutagens (1) 478

Mysis relicta (1) 1182

Nannoplankton (1) 476

Nanocladius downesi (1) 1015

National Environmental Policy Act (2) 970, 1039

natural flora (1) 727

natural flow (1) 508

natural gas (3) 472, 935, 1172

natural history (3) 111, 137, 1084

natural hydrographs (1) 422

natural resources (5) 7, 47, 530, 541, 680

natural seedfall (1) 318

nature conservation (2) 427, 973

navigable rivers (6) 22, 47, 78, 971, 1001, 1173

navigation (18) 22, 74, 75, 87, 95, 129, 192, 340, 375, 422, 455, 483, 726, 789, 829, 1021, 1031, 1050

navigation canals (1) 481

Nebraska (59) 7, 14, 83, 90, 126, 134, 147, 168, 177, 192, 196, 201, 221, 237, 239, 273, 277, 286, 357, 391, 410, 428, 432, 460, 476, 522, 537, 541, 571, 587, 595, 615, 616, 667, 680, 682, 715, 739, 760, 806, 866, 876, 882, 900, 911, 920, 954, 976, 993, 1018, 1033, 1051, 1055, 1056, 1081, 1164, 1177, 1193, 1203, 1204

Nebraskan (1) 44

Neogene (3) 264, 1151, 1176

Neoptera (1) 185

neotectonics (1) 68

nests (1) 721

*net consumption (1) 257

netting survey (2) 960, 961

network flow (1) 292

Neurocordulia molesta (1) 1018

new names (1) 1151

new records (7) 148, 158, 456, 758, 863, 1018, 1146

new taxa (2) 81, 116

Niobrara Formation (3) 935, 1055, 1056

Nishnabotna Member (1) 1177

nitrate ion (1) 1200

nitrates (1) 346

nitrite ion (1) 1200

nitrogen (7) 120, 601, 902, 1001, 1136, 1187, 1200

nitrogen compounds (1) 237

non consumptive use (1) 257

non linear regression (1) 711

*non point source pollution (1) 622

non structural alternatives (4) 2, 22, 613, 954

non uniform flow (1) 1195

North America Inland Waters (1) 906

North American Water and Power alliance (1) 36

North Dakota (56) 14, 20, 21, 47, 95, 120, 131, 136, 142, 188, 190, 192, 209, 210, 269, 270, 281, 286, 324, 329, 382, 393, 454, 456, 469, 502, 505, 532, 535, 586, 688, 723, 726, 773, 790, 799, 806, 819, 822, 877, 882, 897, 898, 904, 916, 935, 941, 948, 1004, 1033, 1053, 1070, 1072, 1081, 1149, 1201

northern pike (9) 266, 386, 433, 511, 516, 660, 826, 875, 906

northern redhorse (1) 218

notched dikes (2) 681, 849

notched structures (1) 1063

Notropis atherinoides (1) 319

nuclear power plants (31) 97, 139, 140, 161, 162, 173, 174, 175, 210, 239, 250, 284, 336, 378, 380, 379, 411, 423, 425, 435, 436, 440, 683, 693, 744, 777, 814, 824, 979, 982, 1011

nuclear waste (1) 97

numerical analysis (3) 89, 525, 778

numerical models (1) 480

*nutrient removal (1) 902

nutrients (7) 99, 120, 201, 432, 503, 610, 1187

nymphs (1) 1018

Oahe Dam (6) 42, 326, 552, 631, 790, 805

Oahe Reservoir (22) 12, 25, 53, 60, 62, 65, 164, 322, 323, 386, 388, 448, 506, 511, 517, 555, 650, 690, 704, 724, 800, 1124

oak trees (2) 822, 858

Oakes Aquifer (1) 916

observation wells (2) 172, 580

occurrence (3) 21, 37, 158

odor (4) 276, 277, 383, 1089

Ogallala Aquifer (2) 124, 866

Ogallala Formation (3) 264, 1176, 1178

oil shales (4) 97, 229, 543, 579

oil wastes (2) 383, 586

oily water (1) 287

Oligochaetes (2) 136, 412

Omaha (7) 276, 522, 682, 739, 911, 920, 989

on site data collections (2) 1077, 1081

on site investigations (3) 156, 198, 657

*once through cooling systems (1) 778

oncorhynchus tshawytscha (1) 128

ontogeny (1) 1100

open channel flow (2) 488, 1195

operating costs (1) 310

operation analysis (1) 301

operations (3) 307, 617, 792

Opheim Formation (1) 1151

opsonization (1) 751

optimization (2) 159, 307

*optimum development plans (1) 541

Orange Peel Dredge (1) 475

organic (1) 144

organic acids (1) 13

organic carbon (2) 13, 601

organic compounds (1) 17

organic contaminants (1) 782

organic Loading (1) 1089

organic materials (2) 13, 812

*organic matter (5) 277, 428, 432, 610, 1081

organic residues (8) 20, 37, 207, 235, 278, 472, 714, 1165

*organic wastes (1) 383

Organochlorine pesticides (2) 177, 872

*Organophosphorus Pesticides (2) 198, 583

origin (2) 1005, 1008

Osmerus mordax (4) 127, 128, 148, 604

outcrops (1) 464

outwash (1) 719

*overbank flow (1) 363

overharvesting (1) 417

*overtopping (1) 363

ownership (1) 1129

ownership of beds (3) 47, 78, 1037

oxbow lakes (5) 958, 1121, 1140, 1141, 1144

*oxidation Lagoons (1) 1089

oxides (6) 917, 1099, 1137, 1171, 1197, 1198

oxygen demand (1) 237

paddlefish (24) 85, 111, 151, 238, 317, 430, 456, 603, 687, 751, 815, 853, 861, 862, 863, 864, 865, 871, 883, 1024, 1084, 1085, 1086, 1184

paleo studies (1) 995

paleobotany (1) 116

paleoclimatology (2) 306, 1177

paleocurrents (2) 1151, 1178

paleoecology (3) 185, 315, 382

Paleogene (1) 382

paleogeography (5) 278, 464, 935, 1176, 1177

paleontology (7) 81, 104, 185, 382, 398, 568, 1100

Paleosols (1) 1177

Paleozoic (7) 104, 126, 235, 391, 393, 1154, 1160

pallid sturgeon (9) 30, 152, 253, 409, 520, 535, 536, 537, 872

palynology (1) 12

palynomorphs (2) 12, 1177

parameter estimation (2) 282, 827

*Parametric hydrology (1) 827

parasites (2) 456, 751

*Parathion (1) 583

*parks (1) 739

particle size (5) 428, 509, 523, 600, 829

particulate matter (1) 808

path of pollutants (15) 2, 198, 210, 296, 333, 467, 488, 622, 675, 760, 808, 872, 979, 1170, 1196

patterns (2) 234, 688

PCB (1) 349

peachleaf willow (1) 318

peaking (1) 515

Pennsylvanian (3) 126, 235, 1154

Pennsylvanian bedrock (1) 944

penstocks (1) 790

Peoria Loess (1) 315

Perca flavescens (13) 25, 34, 52, 358, 539, 608, 636, 708, 756, 826, 875, 1096, 1105

Percichthyidae (1) 410

Percopsis omiscomaycus (1) 348

performance assessment (3) 604, 1040, 1041

performance engineering (1) 790

performance evaluation (1) 835

periphyton (8) 183, 205, 284, 695, 722, 803, 892, 1122

Perissodactyla (1) 1176

Permanganate (1) 277

permeability (3) 172, 272, 273

Permian (1) 126

pesticide drift (1) 1170

*pesticide residues (3) 484, 583, 886

*pesticide toxicity (1) 198

pesticides (9) 172, 201, 344, 346, 349, 633, 675, 782, 1200

petrography (3) 271, 1177, 1178

petroleum (4) 278, 472, 935, 1172

petroleum and natural gas (1) 472

petroleum exploration (1) 935

petrology (4) 400, 401, 402, 941

pH (2) 33, 812

phosphates (1) 1187

phosphorus (6) 120, 237, 276, 962, 1001, 1136

phthalic acid (1) 1191

physical change (1) 369

physical geology (1) 1126

physical properties (5) 201, 428, 432, 813, 1081

physicochemical properties (2) 432, 813

physiographic geology (13) 41, 206, 300, 341, 469, 632, 988, 1004, 1005, 1008, 1131, 1132, 1175

physiology (1) 219

phytoplankton (12) 65, 346, 388, 476, 515, 607, 609, 800, 801, 814, 1136, 1187

Pick Sloan (5) 293, 310, 390, 574, 898

Pierre Shale (6) 81, 326, 384, 552, 557, 935

pikes (1) 675

Pimephales promelas (1) 875

Pimephales vigilax (1) 211

pipelines (1) 543

piping plovers (5) 447, 721, 868, 936, 1016

Pisces (8) 114, 410, 433, 517, 593, 783, 864, 878

Pisgah Formation (1) 306

placers (4) 917, 1099, 1137, 1171

plains (2) 8, 727

plains minnow (1) 418

planar bedding structures (1) 1177

plankton (20) 65, 140, 182, 204, 346, 367, 514, 690, 692, 703, 705, 725, 794, 797, 801, 937, 1081, 1118, 1135, 1163

plankton density (1) 65

planning (14) 22, 36, 169, 229, 257, 288, 329, 541, 554, 613, 739, 850, 1002, 1161

planning evaluation (1) 914

planning utilities (1) 287

plant communities (1) 727

plant groupings (1) 948

plant physiology (1) 131

plant populations (3) 216, 504, 921

plants (5) 116, 497, 586, 858, 948

Plattsburg Formation (1) 235

Platygobio gracilis (2) 418, 1150

Pleistocene (13) 44, 206, 235, 243, 251, 300, 306, 315, 768, 1007, 1010, 1132, 1176

Pleistocene drainage changes (2) 300, 1132

Pleistocene drift (1) 206

Pleistocene origin (1) 1132

Pleistocene stages and substages (1) 206

Pliocene (2) 1151, 1176

policy (8) 298, 530, 644, 737, 898, 1056, 1066, 1159

political aspects (5) 256, 287, 737, 997, 1149

politics (1) 105

pollutant dispersion (1) 788

pollutant identification (3) 143, 277, 383

pollutants (13) 2, 145, 172, 201, 234, 287, 346, 812, 813, 902, 992, 1078, 1200

pollution (24) 3, 38, 145, 201, 234, 298, 344, 345, 346, 457, 633, 649, 689, 725, 812, 868, 893, 910, 949, 992, 1148, 1163, 1165, 1200

pollution abatement (4) 129, 638, 773, 962

pollution control (1) 118

pollution detection (1) 492

pollution dispersion (1) 788

pollution effects (1) 425

pollution monitoring (1) 1191

Polyarthra (1) 476

Polychlorinated biphenyls (3) 177, 484, 872

polymorphism (1) 593

Polyodon spathula (23) 85, 111, 151, 238, 430, 456, 603, 687, 751, 815, 853, 861, 862, 863, 864, 865, 871, 883, 1024, 1084, 1085, 1086, 1184

Polypodium hydriforme (1) 456

Pomoxis annularis (4) 675, 938, 939, 940

Pomoxis nigromaculatus (5) 52, 675, 826, 939, 1092

Ponar Dredge (1) 475

pondensers (1) 332

ponds (2) 185, 772

popular geology (5) 568, 917, 1099, 1171, 1198

population (45) 140, 152, 182, 205, 297, 317, 322, 323, 330, 350, 407, 415, 430, 434, 493, 495, 529, 699, 704, 724, 766, 787, 816, 830, 831, 832, 847, 849, 854, 888, 924, 960, 961, 967, 979, 1095, 1103, 1104, 1109, 1110, 1111, 1112, 1114, 1157, 1186

population changes (1) 351

population density (3) 52, 161, 455

population dynamics (6) 67, 411, 423, 708, 715, 732

population equivalents (1) 802

population genetics (5) 536, 558, 593, 906, 1174

population growth rates (1) 944

population levels (2) 433, 775

population number (2) 687, 1182

population structure (1) 865

population trends (1) 659

populus deltoides (1) 903

possibilities (2) 595, 1172

*potable water (1) 886

Potamology (1) 1133

potassium (2) 237, 324

*potholes (1) 948

power (5) 603, 637, 689, 705, 828

power development (1) 1162

power plants (13) 54, 124, 275, 332, 334, 335, 336, 425, 544, 744, 757, 790

power production (1) 691

*power spectral analysis (1) 614

prairies (1) 727

Precambrian (2) 243, 1197

precipitating (1) 751

precipitation (3) 244, 563, 948

precipitation atmospheric (2) 255, 569

predation (1) 636

prediction (5) 259, 524, 810, 968, 1194

preglacial (1) 632

preglacial course (1) 1175

preglacial Missouri River valley (1) 632

prescriptive reservoir model (1) 292

preservation (1) 13

pressuremeters (1) 972

*pressurized water reactors (1) 239

presumptions legal (1) 47

prior appropriation (2) 78, 256

problem analysis (1) 652

Proboscidea (1) 1176

processes (7) 13, 522, 525, 615, 616, 805, 877

production (3) 298, 491, 891

productivity (11) 65, 94, 140, 182, 280, 448, 506, 692, 724, 801, 1187

profiles (2) 23, 153

project planning (2) 653, 1002

propagation (1) 238

properties (3) 813, 953, 1129

property (3) 47, 147, 1037

property values (1) 47

proteins (3) 494, 593, 906

Proterozoic (1) 1197

provenance (5) 283, 1151, 1164, 1176, 1177

Pseudochironomus (1) 475

Pterygota (1) 185

public health (2) 239, 979

public participation (1) 329

public policy (2) 420, 481

public welfare Missouri (1) 35

pump tests (2) 304, 305

pumping (3) 83, 480, 1098

pumping plants (1) 1071

Pylodictis olivaris (10) 224, 417, 463, 566, 670, 671, 673, 846, 879, 1013

pyrometamorphism by burning lignite (1) 941

qualitative information (1) 1201

quantitative distribution (1) 115

quarries (1) 1154

quartz and feldspar content (1) 399

Quaternary (21) 12, 44, 46, 185, 188, 196, 206, 220, 221, 235, 243, 251, 300, 306, 315, 768, 1005, 1007, 1010, 1132, 1176

radioactive effects (1) 239

radioactive isotopes (2) 145, 306

radioactive wastes (1) 239

radioactivity (3) 286, 979, 1081

rainbow smelt (4) 127, 128, 148, 604

rainfall (8) 5, 134, 192, 487, 563, 589, 633, 763

rainfall runnoff (1) 199

*rainfall runoff relationships (1) 825

Raninella oaheensis (1) 81

rapid sand beds (1) 83

rare species (5) 520, 537, 868, 936, 973

rates (1) 557

*rating curves (1) 40

reactivation (1) 934

rebound from glaciation (1) 552

recharge (5) 124, 172, 304, 487, 555

reclamation (4) 95, 129, 921, 1165

reconnaissance (1) 8

reconstruction (1) 935

recreation (26) 1, 61, 95, 129, 357, 483, 541, 726, 739, 746, 789, 793, 837, 843, 857, 969, 1002, 1058, 1069, 1070, 1071, 1073, 1095, 1138, 1159, 1173

recreation demand (2) 288, 970

recreation facilities (2) 1046, 1071

recreation management (1) 1159

recreation resources management (1) 1046

recycling (2) 487, 579

regeneration (1) 903

regime (2) 40, 153

regimen (1) 874

regional (2) 392, 633

regional analysis (3) 129, 653, 1161

regional development (2) 288, 530

regional planning (4) 298, 314, 910, 952

regression (1) 935

regression analysis (10) 283, 338, 428, 507, 575, 622, 822, 877, 981, 1057

regulated flow (2) 192, 508

regulation (6) 2, 78, 726, 983, 1060, 1189

rehabilitation (1) 564

relief wells (1) 835

remediation (1) 873

remote sensing (16) 5, 100, 210, 259, 361, 470, 571, 595, 663, 676, 685, 765, 805, 807, 897, 910

replacement costs (1) 310

reproduction (11) 131, 409, 516, 517, 700, 702, 792, 870, 872, 883, 1115

reptiles (1) 197

research (5) 58, 219, 264, 322, 1165

research priorities (1) 459

reservoir construction (4) 95, 191, 592, 1070

reservoir control center (1) 571

reservoir fisheries (4) 87, 1087, 1098, 1182

reservoir operation (7) 78, 87, 159, 215, 312, 726, 900

reservoir regulations (1) 59

reservoir releases (3) 159, 610, 1001

reservoir rocks (1) 935

reservoir sediments (1) 467

reservoir silting (3) 169, 283, 507

*reservoir storage (3) 87, 555, 793

reservoir water (8) 26, 159, 228, 259, 482, 788, 931, 1182

reservoirs (118) 10, 34, 52, 53, 56, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 70, 71, 95, 117, 130, 144, 145, 150, 159, 183, 192, 203, 204, 205, 245, 256, 268, 291, 301, 307, 322, 323, 329, 330, 332, 368, 387, 407, 420, 427, 448, 449, 454, 471, 475, 476, 481, 491, 503, 506, 511, 512, 513, 516, 518, 557, 568, 571, 598, 602, 603, 607, 609, 610, 620, 625, 629, 636, 679, 690, 692, 694, 697, 703, 705, 707, 713, 717, 724, 732, 756, 771, 779, 781, 788, 792, 801, 869, 877, 898, 901, 907, 908, 925, 932, 937, 956, 966, 983, 984, 1022, 1023, 1038, 1042, 1059, 1060, 1070, 1095, 1098, 1109, 1110, 1112, 1114, 1115, 1117, 1120, 1187, 1189

resins (1) 13

resistance (2) 911, 912

resource conservation (1) 373

resource development (1) 67

resource management (5) 105, 373, 436, 716, 947

resources (7) 235, 278, 288, 403, 472, 597, 991

resting (1) 419

restoration (3) 318, 439, 1063

revegetation (2) 541, 773

reverted banks (1) 39

revetments (2) 730, 896

*Reynolds Number (1) 1195

Rhinichthys cataractae (1) 1150

Rhinocerotidae (1) 1176

Rhodamine dyes (1) 1170

riparian (6) 318, 499, 501, 505, 626, 855

riparian ecosystems (1) 505

riparian environments (2) 922, 958

riparian forests (1) 903

riparian land (4) 47, 147, 481, 1037

riparian rights (3) 47, 952, 1037

riparian vegetation (2) 453, 481

riparian waters (2) 47, 481

ripple marks (1) 912

riprap (1) 631

risk (3) 252, 782, 981

risk assessment (1) 252

river banks (6) 92, 259, 467, 921, 1040, 1041

*River Basin Commissions (2) 192, 360

river basin development (10) 78, 129, 192, 287, 288, 716, 1002, 1069, 1070, 1095

river basin management (7) 252, 314, 427, 563, 716, 720, 922

*river basin planning (1) 1002

river basins (20) 78, 229, 241, 307, 314, 438, 481, 482, 530, 549, 563, 613, 619, 716, 778, 947, 979, 1081, 1161, 1201

river bed (12) 40, 47, 78, 132, 461, 489, 490, 524, 526, 578, 747, 829

river carpsucker (6) 267, 433, 668, 8789 1019, 1118

river control (1) 301

river corridor (2) 564, 885

river discharge (4) 159, 526, 542, 546

river engineering (10) 89, 437, 483, 490, 519, 524, 542, 716, 720, 958

river fisheries (2) 437, 519

river flow (9) 147, 156, 237, 276, 657, 685, 757, 1071, 1195

river forecasting (1) 685

river geometry (1) 1194

*river management (1) 1001

river networks (1) 459

river profiles (1) 153

river regulation (6) 78, 418, 420, 971, 1081, 1173

river regulations (6) 159, 455, 549, 716, 720, 922

river systems (3) 276, 879, 1081

river training (2) 47, 810

river valleys (1) 166

*riverfront beautification (1) 739

riverine flood (1) 125

rivers and streams (32) 90, 91, 93, 98, 122, 124, 134, 149, 170, 201, 234, 263, 305, 304, 321, 346, 404, 582, 633, 676, 680, 688, 719, 749, 765, 812, 898, 911, 915, 945, 992, 1034

road log (2) 68, 1197

Roccus chrysops (1) 675

rock bass (1) 675

rock sills (1) 585

*rotifers (1) 476

roughness hydraulic (2) 23, 912

Rouse 's equation (1) 920

Roxana silt (1) 306

runoff (18) 159, 194, 215, 225, 237, 276, 324, 404, 487, 563, 569, 633, 640, 675, 802, 805, 1057, 1158

Saint Louis Harbor (2) 509, 1021

*salinity (1) 619

Salmo clarki (2) 593, 860

Salmo trutta (1) 816

Salmonella (3) 803, 1078, 1122

Salmonidae (1) 529

salt and pepper sand (1) 1176

*sample preparation (1) 408

samplers (1) 993

samples (1) 813

sampling (16) 140, 276, 286, 346, 408, 455, 475, 504, 808, 879, 886, 993, 1077, 1081, 1136, 1170

sampling sites (1) 932

sampling stations (1) 286

sand (7) 23, 353, 399, 475, 1164, 1176, 1178

sand bars (1) 1037

sand bed channels (1) 912

sand deposition (1) 547

sand waves (1) 23

sandbar (1) 560

sandstone (3) 337, 464, 1160

Sangamonian (1) 44

sanitary engineering (1) 118

sapphire (6) 917, 1099, 1137, 1171, 1197, 1198

satellite (2) 676, 910

satellite methods (3) 5, 595, 897

satellite technology (3) 5, 685, 807

sauger (14) 163, 266, 357, 419, 672, 699, 700, 702, 708, 834, 842, 1093, 1106, 1116

Scaphirhynchus albus (9) 30, 152, 253, 409, 520, 535, 536, 537, 872

Scaphirhynchus platorynchus (8) 152, 409, 536, 656, 657, 664, 892, 1205

Scaphites (1) 1100

scenic highways (1) 739

scientific personnel (1) 314

Scobey (1) 1151

scour (8) 77, 90, 169, 170, 479, 509, 585, 618

scour protection (1) 159

scouring (1) 89

seasonal (5) 40, 610, 657, 658, 703

*seasonal rarting curves (1) 40

seasonal variations (4) 513, 715, 730, 877

sediment (11) 40, 387, 388, 419, 445, 514, 533, 692, 873, 1076, 1083

*sediment analysis (1) 428

sediment budget (1) 760

sediment control (1) 829

sediment discharge (4) 525, 760, 829, 971

sediment dynamics (1) 418

sediment load (6) 244, 489, 507, 962, 1021, 1039

sediment sorting (3) 428, 461, 523

sediment texture (1) 596

sediment transport (25) 23, 69, 77, 92, 144, 283, 375, 428, 438, 458, 461, 489, 507, 509, 526, 596, 600, 628, 760, 808, 919, 920, 977, 978, 1192

sediment yield (4) 507, 629, 813, 954

sedimentary petrology (8) 46, 399, 525, 745, 813, 901, 1151, 1164

sedimentary rocks (15) 20, 207, 235, 278, 337, 464, 472, 714, 935, 1151, 1154, 1160, 1165, 1178, 1185

*sedimentary structures (7) 23, 185, 525, 819, 972, 1126, 1177

sedimentation (55) 38, 90, 132, 145, 150, 153, 159, 169, 170, 242, 244, 281, 283, 306, 341, 343, 375, 452, 460, 461, 464, 509, 522, 525, 526, 587, 600, 628, 629, 643, 680, 682, 730, 749, 750, 805, 874, 879, 882, 901, 920, 922, 945, 954, 977, 1006, 1021, 1049, 1054, 1096, 1121, 1164, 1176, 1177, 1190

sedimentation rates (2) 145, 977

sediments (55) 37, 46, 56, 90, 91, 93, 101, 145, 168, 170, 172, 188, 221, 235, 243, 244, 247, 250, 304, 305, 306, 337, 342, 341, 385, 399, 458, 492, 538, 719, 744, 749, 750, 760, 763, 768, 813, 880, 901, 902, 919, 932, 945, 949, 953, 978, 993, 1005, 1008, 1010, 1133, 1164, 1176, 1178, 1200

seepage (4) 304, 948, 972, 1089

segregation (1) 813

seine (2) 878, 1096

seismic surveys (2) 615, 616

seismology (1) 239

selenium (2) 346, 868

semiarid lands (1) 1129

semipermeable membrane devices (1) 782

Senonian (1) 1100

sensitivity analysis (1) 92

separation (1) 813

settleability (1) 143

settleable solids (1) 143

settling basins (1) 83

sewage (1) 1077

*sewage bacteria (2) 803, 1122

sewage disposal (1) 989

sewage treatment (7) 99, 287, 803, 962, 989, 1077, 1124

sewers (1) 562

sexual dimorphism (1) 1100

sexual maturity (4) 419, 535, 611, 1096

shale (1) 935

shallow water (3) 631, 968, 1021

shear strength (1) 953

shear stress (1) 92

Shonkin Sag (1) 337

shore birds (1) 721

shoreline (9) 59, 63, 384, 557, 615, 616, 877, 965, 966

shorthead redhorse (1) 267

shovelnose sturgeon (8) 152, 409, 536, 656, 657, 664, 892, 1205

sicklefin chub (1) 795

siderite (1) 1199

silica (1) 237

silicaceae (1) 903

silicon (1) 33

silt (6) 405, 475, 675, 878, 953, 1178

siltation (1) 901

*silting (2) 509, 1021

silver carp (1) 200

silver lamprey (1) 31

simulation (5) 91, 458, 525, 1001, 1194

*simulation analysis (4) 363, 459, 523, 778

simulium (1) 722

Sioux Quartzite (1) 243

site exploration (1) 856

sites (3) 239, 638, 933

size distribution (1) 93

skipjack herring (1) 212

slope discharge relationships (1) 154

slope stability (7) 101, 168, 235, 326, 557, 856, 953

slopes (1) 575

*sludge (2) 83, 143

*sludge disposal (1) 83

*sludge production (1) 83

sludge treatment (1) 143

slug tests (1) 172

slump faulting and rebound of Pierre Shale (1) 552

slurries (2) 478, 543

Small Watershed Program (1) 613

small watersheds (5) 613, 740, 741, 742, 743

smallmouth bass (3) 558, 834, 1027

smallmouth buffalo (3) 267, 621, 1118

smelt (1) 752

snow geese (1) 309

snowfall (1) 255

snowmelt (2) 215, 255

social aspects (4) 97, 142, 579, 913

social costs (2) 913, 914

social impact (1) 1095

social values (1) 1129

socioeconomic assessments (1) 1046

sociological aspects (1) 94

Sodakus tatankayotankaensis (1) 81

sodium (2) 237, 324

sodium adsorption ratio (1) 324

softening sludges (1) 143

soil chemical properties (1) 80

soil chemistry (1) 902

soil conservation (5) 47, 591, 640, 954, 1080

soil erosion (6) 216, 359, 452, 613, 640, 747

soil mechanics (2) 168, 342

soil profiles (1) 856

soil stability (2) 80, 835

soil surveys (1) 905

soil types (2) 131, 905

soil water (2) 563, 835

soils (14) 8, 12, 33, 37, 56, 101, 337, 346, 385, 503, 547, 897, 953, 1177

solubility (1) 902

solute transport (1) 346

solutes (1) 98

sorption (3) 13, 37, 385

South Dakota. (75) 11, 12, 14, 47, 52, 56, 80, 81, 91, 134, 145, 189, 192, 206, 225, 242, 247, 268, 300, 326, 357, 367, 384, 391, 393, 456, 467, 471, 474, 476, 497, 504, 513, 515, 552, 555, 587, 596, 610, 618, 630, 636, 657, 658, 727, 732, 760, 790, 805, 806, 807, 865, 882, 892, 897, 898, 934, 935, 993, 1004, 1005, 1018, 1033, 1055, 1056, 1071, 1081, 1095, 1098, 1100, 1126, 1131, 1132, 1172, 1185

spatial distribution (2) 513, 948

spatial variations (1) 765

spawning (27) 34, 115, 163, 200, 268, 323, 330, 387, 463, 495, 511, 517, 696, 701, 705, 752, 772, 924, 940, 987, 1085, 1086, 1096, 1109, 1110, 1112, 1117

spawning seasons (2) 517, 611

speciation (1) 1174

species (1) 63

species abundance (1) 418

species composition (5) 299, 500, 504, 610, 758

species density (1) 417

species diversity (7) 315, 412, 500, 504, 758, 873, 896

species list (10) 32, 110, 112, 179, 246, 323, 445, 624, 755, 784

specific resistance (1) 143

*spectral analysis (1) 282

spectroscopy (1) 277

*spillways (3) 132, 630, 631

Spokane Formation (1) 1197

sport fishery (24) 62, 67, 85, 163, 316, 356, 371, 415, 430, 511, 639, 704, 752, 830, 831, 832, 925, 974, 975, 1084, 1102, 1143, 11045 1106

spotted bass (1) 558

springs (1) 1160

sprinkler irrigation (1) 225

stability (3) 101, 856, 1154

*stabilization (4) 132, 168, 954, 1037

stable channels (1) 878

stable isotopes (1) 145

stage discharge relations (3) 40, 612, 628

stages and substages (1) 206

standard deviation (1) 968

standards (3) 275, 334, 1001

standing crops (6) 183, 204, 610, 658, 722, 1187

Stanton Formation (1) 235

state governments (4) 78, 275, 360, 1161

state policy (1) 47

statistical analysis (9) 122, 242, 404, 455, 877, 878, 933, 972, 1108

statistical methods (4) 23, 283, 575, 968

*statistical models (1) 338

Stegodon (1) 1176

Sterols (1) 989

stilling basins (2) 132, 630

Stizostedion canadense (13) 163, 266, 357, 419, 672, 699, 700, 702, 708, 834, 842, 1093, 1116

Stizostedion canadensis (1) 1106

Stizostedion vitreum (21) 52, 167, 266, 268, 358, 451, 635, 636, 672, 675, 700, 708, 752, 830, 831, 832, 833, 834, 1028, 1106, 1180

stochastic methods (1) 263

stochastic processes (1) 282

stock assessment (3) 67, 433, 1087

stock identification (1) 906

stock water (1) 948

stocking organisms (1) 1182

storage allocation (1) 292

*storm runoff (2) 793, 962

storm sewers (1) 1038

stormwater runoff (4) 15, 159, 563, 640

Stranger Formation (1) 235

stratigraphy (12) 12, 44, 220, 235, 251, 306, 315, 382, 464, 768, 935, 1151

stream channelization (1) 1030

stream discharge (3) 244, 412, 662

stream ecology (5) 96, 146, 248, 412, 894

stream erosion (4) 244, 585, 807, 971

stream gages (2) 569, 612

*stream gaging (1) 662

stream improvement (1) 874

stream measurements (2) 96, 165

stream placers (1) 1171

stream preservation (1) 774

stream stabilization (2) 971, 1037

stream transport (18) 90, 145, 170, 242, 346, 452, 460, 525, 587, 643, 680, 749, 750, 882, 901, 977, 978, 1121

stream velocity (1) 942

stream width (1) 40

streambank planting (1) 591

streambed (1) 648

streamflow (42) 6, 40, 122, 154, 165, 210, 255, 296, 404, 507, 508, 509, 526, 546, 549, 550, 551, 569, 575, 612, 680, 719, 740, 741, 742, 743, 749, 757, 761, 763, 776, 816, 827, 829, 900, 933, 1070, 1071, 1101, 1158, 1170, 1194

streamflow forecasting (5) 191, 215, 255, 592, 685

streamflow statistics (1) 944

Streamflow Synthesis and Reservoir Regulation model (1) 215

*streams (14) 6, 76, 92, 234, 492, 508, 572, 643, 675, 901, 912, 922, 968, 1119

strike slip faults (1) 934

strip mine lakes (1) 15

strip mine wastes (1) 97

strip mines (7) 97, 191, 229, 324, 592, 773, 1165

strontium 90 (1) 633

structural engineering (1) 896

structural geology (3) 402, 470, 552

structures (5) 630, 744, 829, 856, 954

studies (1) 1111

sturgeon (2) 79, 349

sturgeon chub (3) 4, 795, 1150

substrate (1) 205

subtropical environment (1) 1177

suckers (2) 529, 838

sulfates (3) 237, 324, 1136

sunfishes (2) 675, 879

surface ground water relations (3) 121, 403, 555

surface mining (1) 1165

surface runoff (3) 225, 743, 948

surface water (20) 117, 145, 201, 286, 344, 345, 346, 354, 457, 487, 582, 649, 719, 812, 932, 992, 1033, 1034, 1090, 1158

surface water resources Iowa (1) 1158

surficial (1) 988

surge tanks (1) 790

survey (9) 174, 323, 356, 448, 449, 506, 529, 704, 1183

survey organizations (1) 949

survey water resources (1) 994

surveys (58) 11, 14, 33, 37, 56, 91, 117, 122, 124, 134, 209, 236, 242, 264, 271, 303, 304, 305, 337, 342, 346, 365, 385, 460, 470, 480, 570, 571, 595, 597, 615, 616, 643, 649, 680, 682, 745, 749, 750, 799, 805, 806, 866, 877, 882, 897, 901, 910, 972, 993, 1033, 1034, 1051, 1055, 1056, 1108, 1145, 1160

suspended load (3) 509, 542, 628

suspended materials (5) 649, 745, 813, 901, 977

suspended sediments (4) 467, 629, 760, 808

suspended solids (6) 237, 586, 744, 829, 1081, 1133

suspension (2) 628, 978

sustainable development (1) 716

sutures (1) 1100

Swift Formation (1) 1160

swimming (2) 896, 1020

symbionts (1) 1015

symbiosis (1) 1015

sympatric populations (1) 558

system analysis (2) 228, 482

systematics (2) 658, 722

systems analysis (3) 307, 778, 1090

systems analysis equations (1) 1201

tagging (2) 687, 775

tailwater temperature patterns (1) 711

tailwaters (10) 163, 311, 317, 357, 710, 925, 1117, 1119, 1120, 1183

Tanypodinae (1) 475

Tanytarsus (1) 475

taste (5) 276, 277, 383, 803, 1122

tatrapods (1) 1178

taxonomy (6) 81, 86, 116, 494, 593, 860

TDE (1) 484

technical assistance (1) 2

techniques (2) 13, 765

tectonic controls (1) 935

tectonics (3) 68, 470, 934

temperature (21) 40, 156, 173, 205, 338, 387, 480, 514, 529, 614, 657, 756, 757, 777, 779, 787, 825, 978, 1103, 11187 1187

temperature control (1) 275

temperature distribution (1) 156

temperature effects (1) 332

temperature preferences (1) 284

temporal distribution (1) 948

Tendipedidae (1) 183

Teneriffe silt (1) 306

terraces (4) 917, 1009, 1099, 1151

terracing (1) 153

terrestrial environment (1) 315

tertiary (11) 188, 196, 264, 382, 391, 393, 397, 627, 1151, 1176, 1178

Tertiary Pleistocene (1) 469

Tertiary Pleistocene changes (1) 469

test equipment (1) 790

test methods (1) 790

tests (2) 630, 1191

Tetrabranchiata (2) 568, 1100

tetrapods (2) 197, 1176

textures (4) 90, 247, 750, 1164

theoretical analysis (2) 488, 1057

thermal capacity (2) 332, 336

thermal discharges (1) 334

thermal effects (1) 683

*thermal efficiency (1) 777

thermal plumes (3) 156, 757, 1011

thermal pollution (10) 160, 210, 275, 335, 336, 440, 614, 757, 777, 778

thermal power plants (3) 156, 335, 777

thermal properties (1) 332

thermal stress (2) 160, 544

thermal water (2) 334, 693

*thermoelectric power generation (1) 778

thermo luminescence (1) 306

three dimensional models (3) 122, 304, 305

Thymallus signifer (1) 696

till (5) 56, 235, 243, 719, 1178

time series analysis (1) 1081

tissue analysis (1) 872

topographic maps (1) 470

topography (5) 188, 189, 643, 948, 1057

Toston Dam (1) 26

towing industry (1) 22

Toxaphene (1) 484

toxic chemicals (1) 333

toxic materials (1) 172

toxicants (2) 963, 1124

toxicity (2) 140, 198

trace elements (3) 345, 992, 1165

trace metals (2) 346, 992

tracers (4) 296, 1170, 1195, 1196

*tracking techniques (1) 1170

transducers (1) 233

transgression (2) 935, 1177

transition zone (1) 504

transmissivity (3) 272, 273, 916

transport (16) 90, 91, 170, 242, 263, 306, 419, 460, 643, 680, 749, 750, 882, 901, 1121, 1181

transportation (3) 75, 239, 543

transverse mixing (2) 156, 488

trash fish (1) 604

treatment facilities (5) 99, 143, 562, 793, 803

trees (5) 131, 216, 502, 503, 822

*trenches (2) 84, 1053

triazines (2) 172, 344

tributaries (7) 224, 276, 434, 585, 613, 821, 1047

tributary streams (1) 673

Trichoptera (4) 625, 634, 658, 722

trihalomethane (2) 811, 812

Trithion (1) 583

trout (1) 529

troutperch (1) 348

tube forming diatoms (1) 158

tunnels (2) 233, 1154

turbidity (12) 65, 237, 417, 432, 514, 515, 628, 756, 779, 1069, 1083, 1103

turbidity current structures (1) 525

turbulence (2) 296, 757

turbulent dispersion (1) 1195

turbulent flow (2) 156, 1195

two dimensional models (3) 108, 242, 972

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (6) 192, 375, 541, 899, 1002, 1121

ultrafiltration (1) 13

ultramafic (2) 401, 402

ultramafic composition (1) 402

unchannelized (5) 357, 426, 429, 560, 888

unconformities (2) 464, 935

underground installations (1) 1154

*underground structures (1) 233

underground water (2) 528, 946

underwater temperature measurement (1) 711

uniform flow (1) 1195

Unionidae (1) 995

unsteady flow (2) 169, 412

uplifts (1) 188

upper Cenozoic (1) 1164

upper Cretaceous (11) 81, 326, 382, 384, 552, 557, 935, 1055, 1056, 1100, 1177

upper Jurassic (1) 1160

upper Miocene (1) 1151

upper Pennsylvanian (1) 235

upper Pleistocene (4) 44, 306, 315, 1010

upper Precambrian (1) 1197

upper Tertiary (1) 188

urban areas (1) 125

urban planning (1) 915

urban runoff (1) 962

urbanization (5) 191, 466, 549, 592, 910

Urnatella gracilis (1) 1015

USGS (3) 122, 812, 1033

Utah chub (1) 604

valleys (3) 632, 727, 1132

vanes (1) 735

vegetation (13) 102, 131, 318, 424, 502, 504, 505, 903, 948, 965, 966, 1094, 1134

vegetation cover (1) 549

veins (1) 1197

vertebrates (7) 197, 473, 576, 599, 1151, 1176, 1178

vibracores (1) 993

vibratory technique (1) 993

Vilas Formation (1) 235

violations (1) 130

Virgilian (1) 235

viruses (1) 1122

*viscosity (2) 628, 911

volcanic ash (1) 1151

walleye (21) 52, 167, 266, 268, 358, 451, 635, 636, 672, 675, 700, 708, 752, 830, 831, 832, 833, 834, 1028, 1106, 1180

waste disposal (3) 235, 949, 1165

waste disposal sites (1) 856

*waste heat (1) 777

*waste identification (1) 143

*waste treatment (3) 802, 1078, 1122

waste water (1) 108

waste water disposal (2) 118, 989

*waste water pollution (1) 583

waste water treatment (11) 99, 118, 287, 562, 586, 638, 793, 1077, 1089, 1108, 1122

waste water treatment plants (1) 118

water (4) 13, 234, 633, 979

water allocation (7) 61, 229, 240, 241, 256, 736, 781

water allocation policy (6) 97, 191, 257, 530, 592, 619

water analysis (7) 276, 467, 808, 886, 932, 1011, 1081

water chemistry (14) 62, 65, 201, 209, 271, 346, 345, 515, 649, 706, 812, 880, 992, 1200

water conservation (17) 36, 129, 312, 335, 340, 354, 530, 594, 617, 626, 737, 764, 837, 836, 954, 1016, 1173

water consumption (3) 229, 334, 530

water control (2) 360, 1022

water control plan (1) 180

ater conveyance (1) 363

water cooling (3) 156, 332, 336

water current (1) 662

water delivery (1) 1098

*water demand (8) 36, 97, 191, 312, 530, 543, 592, 619

water depth (2) 428, 968

water development (1) 1162

water distribution (1) 142

water distribution applied (3) 191, 592, 1070

*water distribution policy (2) 129, 307

water diversion (1) 36

water erosion (6) 92, 101, 149, 681, 856, 882

water exchange (1) 159

water harvesting (1) 36

water law (5) 2, 47, 874, 1037, 1161

water level (16) 5, 26, 59, 129, 205, 273, 352, 353, 555, 585, 608, 702, 792, 931, 932, 1179

water level fluctuation (3) 121, 183, 658

water loss (1) 334

water management (21) 14, 56, 64, 108, 117, 124, 130, 142, 228, 241, 346, 454, 457, 480, 483, 701, 733, 898, 949, 1109, 1160

water management applied (4) 87, 1070, 1129, 1173

water policy (19) 47, 129, 229, 241, 291, 340, 370, 530, 594, 617, 626, 764, 837, 836, 914, 969, 1016, 1090, 1161

water pollution (17) 160, 191, 198, 239, 275, 285, 288, 335, 360, 579, 592, 757, 773, 778, 782, 1136, 1191

water pollution control (9) 2, 275, 287, 360, 541, 586, 638, 1077, 1090

Water Pollution Control Administration (1) 360

water pollution effects (3) 383, 478, 872

water pollution sources (21) 140, 143, 210, 239, 275, 288, 335, 336, 383, 467, 488, 550, 551, 583, 622, 802, 867, 886, 962, 989, 1078

water pollution treatment (3) 287, 383, 1078

water problems (1) 653

water purification (3) 83, 99, 287

water quality (85) 6, 14, 27, 60, 62, 65, 71, 77, 97, 103, 120, 191, 201, 237, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 277, 282, 287, 288, 302, 329, 333, 338, 344, 346, 354, 359, 388, 432, 471, 492, 529, 550, 551, 580, 583, 592, 622, 633, 637, 638, 649, 650, 663, 688, 689, 693, 694, 705, 711, 713, 725, 726, 787, 801, 879, 894, 916, 929, 930, 931, 932, 944, 948, 949, 999, 1000, 1001, 1011, 1034, 1035, 1036, 1076, 1077, 1081, 1083, 1119, 1136, 1160, 1163, 1165

water quality control (7) 9, 99, 360, 483, 1039, 1071, 1078

*water quality models (1) 282

water quality standards (3) 118, 335, 1078

water quantity (2) 1035, 1036

water regimes (1) 33

water requirements (1) 619

water resources (38) 20, 87, 105, 124, 129, 171, 235, 264, 271, 272, 273, 274, 298, 354, 480, 487, 569, 570, 595, 649, 652, 678, 680, 714, 716, 719, 748, 825, 866, 904, 929, 930, 931, 1034, 1078, 1158, 1160, 1173

water resources data (1) 761

water resources development (41) 129, 274, 287, 288, 291, 329, 340, 370, 381, 420, 424, 481, 530, 541, 594, 605, 617, 626, 644, 651, 723, 737, 764, 837, 836, 887, 900, 913, 914, 942, 969, 970, 1016, 1058, 1059, 1070, 1074, 1075, 1149, 1158, 1201

water resources management (4) 130, 312, 390, 952, 1204

water resources planning (3) 288, 653, 944

Water Resources Planning Act (1) 360

water rights (5) 47, 329, 530, 952, 1188

water sampling (1) 662

water scarcity (1) 36

*water shortage (2) 97, 619

*water softening (1) 83

water soluble constituents (1) 324

water storage (4) 481, 793, 898, 905

water supply (31) 14, 36, 87, 130, 171, 191, 229, 257, 287, 288, 471, 480, 483, 487, 530, 592, 606, 649, 714, 723, 726, 737, 825, 886, 898, 904, 944, 948, 997, 1108, 1158

water supply development (3) 288, 1070, 1071

water supply management (10) 291, 340, 370, 594, 617, 626, 764, 837, 836, 1016

water surface profiles (1) 363

water table (4) 56, 172, 822, 972

water temperature (25) 6, 40, 65, 275, 332, 335, 336, 338, 513, 515, 614, 628, 702, 710, 757, 778, 816, 900, 919, 932, 968, 1001, 1096, 1133, 1136

water temperature residuals (1) 338

water temperature sedimentation relations (1) 628

water transfer (3) 36, 329, 346

water treatment (3) 9, 83, 277

water use (9) 36, 166, 241, 288, 329, 737, 944, 952, 1108

water use efficiency (1) 312

water use regulations (1) 9

water utilization (4) 257, 274, 619, 970

water yield (6) 271, 272, 274, 471, 1070, 1158

waterbirds (1) 261

waterfowl (2) 948, 1069

watershed management (5) 87, 312, 709, 954, 1082

watersheds (4) 149, 215, 549, 887

watersheds basins (6) 129, 579, 613, 778, 902, 1090

waterway system improvements (1) 22

waterway transportation (1) 22

waterways (22) 90, 93, 124, 149, 168, 170, 321, 457, 522, 680, 681, 682, 730, 765, 810, 882, 921, 993, 1051, 1055, 1056, 1121

weather forecasting (1) 5

weather modification (2) 36, 255

weirs (2) 363, 631

well logging (2) 305, 988

wells (14) 172, 209, 225, 271, 272, 273, 274, 480, 802, 835, 916, 988, 1160, 1200

western silvery minnow (1) 418

Western States Water Augmentation Concept (1) 36

Weston Formation (1) 235

wetland management (1) 359

wetlands (23) 82, 106, 108, 118, 202, 216, 222, 260, 329, 331, 413, 503, 504, 542, 549, 564, 586, 626, 943, 948, 958, 1046, 1071

white bass (6) 608, 636, 675, 700, 869, 870

white crappie (4) 675, 938, 939, 940

white perch (1) 410

white sucker (2) 700, 875

wild and scenic river (3) 327, 554, 1073

wild rivers (3) 970, 1002, 1173

Wild Rivers Act (1) 1173

wilderness areas (1) 1073

wildlife (6) 95, 191, 329, 592, 1045, 1046

wildlife conservation (5) 129, 424, 936, 1069, 1071

wildlife habitat improvement (1) 1030

wildlife habitats (11) 191, 424, 481, 541, 592, 948, 954, 1053, 1069, 1070, 1071

wildlife management (4) 417, 418, 541, 1046

wildlife mitigation (1) 1050

willow (1) 500

*wind erosion (1) 1069

wind transport (1) 306

Wisconsinan (3) 44, 315, 1010

woodlands (1) 943

Wyandotte Formation (1) 235

Wyoming (9) 7, 14, 20, 551, 678, 773, 776, 806, 1033

XAD 8 (1) 13

Yankton (3) 596, 920, 1185

Yarmouthian (1) 44

yellow perch (13) 25, 34, 52, 358, 539, 608, 636, 708, 756, 826, 875, 1096, 1105

Yellowstone National Park (1) 597

Yellowstone River (3) 286, 392, 777

Yogo Gulch (3) 917, 1137, 1171

young of the year (1) 792

zinc (1) 237

zoogeography (1) 299

zooplankton (16) 24, 65, 515, 608, 610, 636, 655, 729, 732, 800, 824, 891, 907, 908, 1166, 1187

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