Texas City Y Oil Spill

State TrusteeState of Texas
Federal TrusteeDepartment of Commerce
AO Bureau

Also Known As

TCY Oil Spill

Incident Type




Case Status



Galveston county, Texas



Contaminants of Concern Include


Affected DOI Resources Include

DOI Managed Lands, Marine Mammals, Migratory Birds

Case Description

The Texas City Y Oil Spill occurred on March 22, 2014, in Galveston Bay in the vicinity of the Houston Ship Channel near Texas City, Texas, when the inbound bulk carrier M/V SUMMER WIND collided with the oil tank-barge KIRBY 27706. At the time of the collision, the M/V MISS SUSAN was towing the oil tank-barges KIRBY 27705 and KIRBY 27706. As a result of the collision, the #2 starboard tank of KIRBY 27706 was punctured discharging approximately 168,000 gallons (4,000 barrels) of intermediate fuel oil (IFO-380) into Galveston Bay which subsequently entered the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. The impacts of the spill were evaluated through the natural resource damage assessment (NRDA) process. Specifically, impacts to shoreline habitats, birds, bottlenose dolphins, and recreational were evaluated. Federal and state trustees worked cooperatively with Kirby Inland Marine, LP, the responsible party, to assess the injuries to natural resources through the NRDA process.

An aerial photograph of cleanup operations occurring near the Texas City Dike, March 23, 2014. The response efforts are the result of a collision between the bulk carrier Summer Wind and the Kirby Barge 27706, which occurred Saturday, in the Houston Ship Channel., Credit: U.S Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Manda M. Emery

Page 1 of 1
 Document TypeDocument NameDocument Date


 FPA Advanced Funding Agreement (Kirby Inland Marine) 04/10/2014
 Trustees Agreement Bottlenose Dolphins Initial Costs 07/29/2014
 Cooperative Assessment Agreement Cooperative Agreement 11/12/2014
 Trustees Agreement Texas City Y Oil Spill Natural Resource Trustee Council Resolution # TCY-2021-01 12/22/2021


 AO Designation Memo Designation of Authorized Official (AO) 04/15/2014


 Assessment Report TCY NRDA Technical Memorandum: Estimate of Lost Recreational Use Damages 09/28/2017
 Assessment Report Texas City Y Oil Spill Natural Resource Damage Assessment Marine Mammal Injury Quantification 02/04/2018
 Restoration Scoping Document Texas City Y Oil Spill Request for Restoration Project Ideas 08/10/2022
 Restoration Scoping Document Texas City Y Oil Spill Request for Restoration Project Ideas - Cover Sheet 08/09/2022


 Consent Decree Signed and Entered Kirby TCY NRD Consent Decree - Case No 3:21-cv-00335 01/20/2022
 Settlement Agreement TCY Signed Judicial Order Case No. 3:21-cv-335 1 18 2022 01/18/2022

Federal Register

 Federal Register Notice 68686 Federal Register Vol. 86 No. 230 12 3 2021 Texas City Y Settlement 12/03/2021


 Study Report Texas City Y Oil Spill Area of Impact Map 05/06/2022
 Study Plan Wildlife NRDA Plan 07/17/2014


 Funding Request Memo Texas City Y Natural Resource Trustee Council Resolution #TCY 2021-1 12/22/2021
 Trustee Council Resolution Texas City Y Oil Spill Trustee Resolution 2023-01 08/15/2023

No publications have been entered for this case.

Map View

Case Contact

Texas Coastal Ecological Services Field Office

17629 El Camino Real #211, Houston, TX 77058 | (281) 286-8282 | http://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/TexasCoastal/

Case Trustees

AO Bureau
Federal TrusteeDepartment of Commerce
State TrusteeState of Texas

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