Texmo Oil Co. Tanker Truck Accident Diesel Spill

AO Bureau

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State Highway 95 bridge over the Bill Williams River



Contaminants of Concern Include


Affected DOI Resources Include

Migratory Birds, Threatened and Endangered Species, DOI Managed Lands

Case Description

On July 28, 2006, a Texmo Oil Company Jobbers tanker truck crashed on the State Highway 95 bridge over the Bill Williams River, where the river joins Lake Havasu, 20 miles north of Parker, Ariz. 7,600-7,800 gallons of diesel spilled and then ignited, burning 348 acres of marsh, riparian and upland desert vegetation.

The Texmo spill and fire injured some of the rarest habitats left on the lower Colorado River basin, including the lower river’s most intact community of riparian-dependent species. The affected habitat supports two endangered birds – the southwestern willow flycatcher and Yuma clapper rail, two endangered fishes – the razorback sucker and bonytail, and the candidate yellow-billed cuckoo. Over 300 species of migratory or nesting bird species are known to use the area.

Credit: USFWS

Page 1 of 1
 Document TypeDocument NameDocument Date


 FONSI Addendum FONSI 10/20/2021
 Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment Draft Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment Addendum 06/04/2021
 Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment EAS Addendum 10/20/2021
 Environmental Assessment NEPA checklist 10/14/2021
 Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment Restoration Plan 11/09/2011
 Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment Texmo Diesel Spill and Fire Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment Addendum 10/20/2021


 Consent Decree Consent Decree 09/12/2007


 Funding Request Memo Funding Allocation Restoration Memo for Texmo Oil Spill 09/23/2015

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Case Contact

Arizona Ecological Services Field Office

Phoenix, AZ | (602) 242-0210 | http://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/arizona/

Case Trustees

AO Bureau

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